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Wonderlocke: Day 1



And with that, I have completed Day 1 of my Wonderlocke with 0 casualties.

As I said in my gym 1 entry, Viola did not stand a chance against Dragon Rage. It was amazing.

Cotton finally has an attacking move, and can fend for herself, which is very nice. Jangle is one of my top-stat 'mons, though it only has the weak Tackle and Fairy Wind. Eh.

Nightshade is actually working out very well, I think she has good IV's in SP. Defense, which is where Umbreon excels.

Amoraccius is also wonderfully powerful, too.

I am glad this team has not suffered any casualties...Oh, but I do have to welcome a new member to the team (Which I will hopefully get to use soon,) A female Scyther! (what is it with me and getting female pokemon)

I shall name her Ironside and she shall be a Scizor.

On to where I got in the game...

I made it to Lumiose City after beating Gym 1, and I trained up everyone to the level 12-14 range. I took down Sycamore, and chose Bulbasaur as the starter I would receive, had this not been a Wonderlocke.

I traded it away, which is where I got the soon-to-be Ironside from.

Tomorrow, I should pass the Snorlax (which I will KO) and maybe even hit the Palace

Which costs 3G to enter and I don't have that much money.

oh boy.

If anyone has other name suggestions for the Scyther/Scizor, leave them below.

see you guys tomorrow.


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I get them bred by someone, then have them nickname it.

I then proceed to train said pokemon.

Sometimes the genders might get messed up, but I will refer to them as the original gender.

(in fact Cotton was a level 50 jigglypuff at first but that's not fair).

and my ralts suffers from it, too. going to evolve it to a gardevoir anyways though.

because that's what it would have evolved to anyways.

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And besides, I'm going to be able to do it soon.

(though i might need a ditto soon >.>)

How great would it be if every wonder trade you did got you a team of Dittos and nothing else.


That would be a fun run.

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