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New Zelda Game



I'm pretty ambivalent, really. I was expecting to be really excited at any mention of a new Zelda game, Zelda U or not, but this so far this doesn't look like the style of game I'm interested in. It doesn't look like it will have the gameplay I love about Zelda games. I'm not against it, though. No reason for the tons of fans who have been wanting something like this not to receive it.


Then again, with just a minute and a half of footage, nothing is certain yet. I may get really hype for it later on.


oh and I don't have a Wii U so it's not like I can play it anyways


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I've heard it's not a "Zelda" game in the normal sense, it's a different thing that's non canon I guess. I think it looks pretty cool, but I don't have a wiiU Either so it makes little difference as I don't plan on getting one anytime soon.

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It's been confirmed this is not the Zelda Wii U game they have been discussing, and it's just a spin-off. It's also a crossover with Dynasty Warriors. I'm sure the main Wii U Zelda game will be more like the ones we're used to, though with changes from A Link Between Worlds probably.

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Of course this is not Zelda U, thankfully they made that clear in the Nintendo Direct. Otherwise I might be a little worried. Looking back at my post, I didn't make that clear...


The point is, I'm ambivalent about this but am very excited for any and all news on the actual Zelda U.

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