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Dancing Space Potatoes!

Doctor Norik


Dancing Space Potatoes? Not really. That title was just made interesting so that you'd click the link.

Ain't I diabolical?


Anyway, in Geography today, we worked on some of the dangers of earthquakes, and what to do if they occur. That's whay I thought that I might share some of my wisdom with you.


And so, without further stalling for time, Norik's Prophecy Proudley Presents:


IPB Image

(P.O.P.'N. W.A.I. is sponsored by the Daleks)


Step 1: Make sure you always care the following with you:


a ) A ladder.


b ) A stepladder.


c ) Make sure it's one of those fold-out ones.


d ) A barrel of Monkeys.


e ) A barrel of food for the barrel of Monkeys. Those guys can eat!


f ) A flyswatter.


g ) A map of North Dakota.


h ) A microphone.


i ) Food.


j ) Junk food.


k ) Preferably burgers.


l ) And gum.


Step II: Now that you have assembled your bag of objects, you should know where you are.


Are there-


- Trees?


- Mountains?


- Some more trees?


- Dancing Space Potatoes?


- A truck stop?


- A pond?


- A monkey?


- A big "X" that marks the spot?


- Ur mom! Lol!11!!!!11!


Step Three: Good work! You have (probably) succesfuly done all those things that I just said. Now it's time to avoid floods volcanic eruptions earthquakes!


- Step over the small cracks in the earth.


- Avoid hungry, hungry hippos.


- Find your way to the highest point.


- I really mean it about the hippos.




- Leave bread crumbs behind you so to know where you've been.


- Seriously, watch out for the hippos.


- What are you doing reading this? Run, run, RUN!


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