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It's just Some Ladies don't like that sort of thing (how someone appreciates one self so much)...


*shifty eyes*

I'm not Pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but it's something to watch for...... You wouldn't want people 'Not' liking you... would you Omi?

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Sorry. :(




It's just Some Ladies don't like that sort of thing (how someone appreciates one self so much)...


*shifty eyes*

I'm not Pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but it's something to watch for...... You wouldn't want people 'Not' liking you would you Omi?

Well I am not here to be liked or not liked. People can form their own opinions about me if they wish, and I grant them that option. I just like to be myself.


And I always put the ladies before myself.



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And I suppose you Pride yourself in doing that? :wakeup2:

(Man I'm drinking lots of Coffee arn't I?)

Yes I do put pride in that. :P


Sorry Nikira, but your blog is being used for this convo. We can stop if you want us to. :)





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*applause applause*


I was always told that we as girls are supposed to make guys feel good about themselves by praising them and inflating their egos, but not to the point at which they become snobbish.


Omi's not like that. He's awesomeness. :D


EDIT: Agh, I type too slow. XD


Naw, that's OK. As long as it doesn't turn into, like, a random flame war or something, I'm fine with it. :)



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*applause applause*


I was always told that we as girls are supposed to make guys feel good about themselves by praising them and inflating their egos, but not to the point at which they become snobbish.


Omi's not like that. He's awesomeness. :D


*Sigh* I wasn't saying it to put Omi down...


*Going back to what started this conversation*


I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

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*applause applause*


I was always told that we as girls are supposed to make guys feel good about themselves by praising them and inflating their egos, but not to the point at which they become snobbish.


Omi's not like that. He's awesomeness. :D


*Sigh* I wasn't saying it to put Omi down...


*Going back to what started this conversation*


I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

*gives you coffee*





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About his hair?


We say it is great cause it is, and it makes Omi feel terrific about himself and his hair. :D



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*Sigh* I wasn't saying it to put Omi down...


*Going back to what started this conversation*


I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

*gives you coffee*






:superfunny: :superfunny: :superfunny: :superfunny: :superfunny: :superfunny:


LOL I can't breath...


*falls down*


*5 min later*

What is so important about having an Ego? :plain:

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Ithranna likes her coffee, no? :P


It's a guy thing, egos. It's an essential part of life for them. :rolleyes:



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Sets me apart from others.




I Suppose not having one can set one apart as well... I certainly don't have one... (there is nothing about me that is prays worthy)



I bet having you as sheer company is worth having.



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*nods* And your artwork is another thing to be praised. =D


It's Not as good as Yours Nikira.


Even if you think that, does that mean you shouldn't be praised for your wonderful job? You're as talented as me or LK and you know it. :)


Plus you've got more writing skills in one finger than I probably would if I trie dmy hardest. Self-belief = power. :D


It also = ego for guys, but I don't want to go down that road again. :P



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Yet. Gotta have confidence in yourself. Helps to strive for the better.


Even I know there are better people out there than me, but I still got the confidence. ;)



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I just don't think I'm worth the trouble... even if I did (and have) People still wouldn't see me, or respect who I am, or think I am at least 6 years younger then I am because people don't talk to Me, and when they do they still treat me like I'm 12 years old...


So if that is still going to happen why should I bother?


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Again - self-confidence is key. The confidence to say, ''Hey - I'm 18. I know I am talented. I know I am pretty. I know some people are better than me or prettier than me, but that's not gonna let me get down. I'm special. I'm unique. And nobody can change that.''


Hey, I'm 16, and sometimes I get treated just like the 7-and-8-year-olds I teach, just cause I'm not an adult. If it's from an adult or someone in authority over me, I listen, cause usually what they say's gonna help me, make me improve. Later on, I can use that, go up to someone and say, 'Hey, y'know, something's not right here,' or, 'I think this might work.' You show respect to others and show a bit of self-confidence, and they'll respect you right back.


Forgive me for being a bit ranty, but I don't se why anyone should feel bad about themselves.



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