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Alright, let's do this. I hear there's supposed to be something special that happens to Fluttershy in this episode


Oh wow


Actually, I'm not going to put that here juuust in case


I don't like this song..


Nope, so far the songs in this season haven't been good




I'll never get over how ridiculous Twilight looks with wings


The trees? Or something else?


Oh, I got it. Something happened to Fluttershy


Yeah, that's it. It's her


I knew that's what'd happen


So, is this because of Seth's obsession with bat ponies?


This season has had some pretty ridiculous stuff


Yep, it's because of Seth


Ugh I can't stand Pinkie


Really? Really? Did they think this was a good idea?


This is sooooooo because of that bat pony obsession


Well thank goodness that's over.


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I think it's pretty safe to say this episode was written, and probably close to completion, long before the bat pony craze started (which was in, what, September of this year?) Fandom pandering can be annoying, but I really doubt that's why this episode exists.


Either way, it was still better than last week's episode which I am trying very hard to forget exists.

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There was a bat pony craze?


Mate, I think you're just too invested in the fandom. That's where all of your criticisms originate, but most viewers, myself included, probably don't have a clue about any of these things. And that makes them far more enjoyable.

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There was a bat pony craze?

SOMEONE obviously doesn't use Equestria Daily. :v



most viewers, myself included, probably don't have a clue about any of these things.

It's not like I'm making any of this up. It's safe to say that most viewers do know what I'm talking about, since whenever I point something like this out they don't have to ask where I got the idea. Maybe you're not too involved with the fandom yourself?

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I'm well aware that I'm most certainly not involved. I don't see a problem there.


The heavily involved adult fanbase does not constitute the majority of the viewers. That would be little girls. Even a lot of the older fans likely aren't so into as to check Equestria Daily (which I have only ever visited for links to streams)... daily. Regardless of that, the "most" you refer to is still a minority in the grand scheme of things.


I'm sounding like a broken record to myself by how often I'm saying it, but it really feels like you're reaching for something to dislike. Every time. Something to latch onto and say "they did that because of the [relatively small compared to all viewers] brony community and that's why it's bad." And I simply insist that this isn't the case and you're looking into it too much.


So no, most viewers definitely do not have any idea of the supposed fan pandering you keep seeing.

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I'm well aware that I'm most certainly not involved. I don't see a problem there.


The heavily involved adult fanbase does not constitute the majority of the viewers. That would be little girls. Even a lot of the older fans likely aren't so into as to check Equestria Daily (which I have only ever visited for links to streams)... daily. Regardless of that, the "most" you refer to is still a minority in the grand scheme of things.


I'm sounding like a broken record to myself by how often I'm saying it, but it really feels like you're reaching for something to dislike. Every time. Something to latch onto and say "they did that because of the [relatively small compared to all viewers] brony community and that's why it's bad." And I simply insist that this isn't the case and you're looking into it too much.


So no, most viewers definitely do not have any idea of the supposed fan pandering you keep seeing.

I'm willing to bet the majority of viewers are bronies. You must have no idea how many page views EqD has. How about Pony Chan? If the following is as small as you're making it seem, how do things like that or Bronycon even exist?

I can't bring myself to believe that the brony fanbase is just "a minority" after all the pony stuff I've seen everywhere, online and offline.


I'm not looking to dislike anything. I want to enjoy it. If I feel they put something in because of the "[relatively small compared to all viewers] brony community" it's because that's how it looks. When I see bat ponies all over EqD for weeks and weeks, and then a while later we get an episode where one of them is turned into a bat pony, what kind of reaction would you expect?

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Aren't episodes in general written about a year before their air date?

Alright, I wasn't aware of this. It still is a funny coincidence.

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