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A Christmas Tradition, Part 2



In addition to the annual series of Sumiki-vs.-Sumiki's-Dad Nerf battles, we have added two new nuances. Now, instead of just shooting each other, there is a rolling chair that is called "the tank" and is actually kind of ineffective but it's fun to roll around on.


The second one involves a tiny duck that squawks the name of a certain supplemental insurance company three times when pressed. It's been around for years and I'm surprised that it hasn't run out of battery. In any event, we use this as a kind of grenade. We get it to start saying something, and then if one of us can hit the other with the duck while it's saying something, the person who has been hit has to stand up and get hit with a "free shot."


I'm not sure how interesting any of this is, but I thought it was amusing enough to share.


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How do Yoder and this duck get along?

Surprisingly well. Yoder observes the goings-on and enjoys seeing the other one getting beat senseless.

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