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Annnd it's 2014 :D

Taka Nuvia


Time for a new majhost folder, and hopefully I'll put more stuff into it this year.


A small retrospect on 2013


Art-wise, it was a catastrophy. I've never ever drawn that little before ever since I really got into drawing. Most of the time it felt like a big part of me was missing; I am more than just determined to make it better in 2014. Draw more. Spend less time worrying, and more using a pencil. Oddly enough there has been progress,though, but I really don't know why.

Maybe I'll finally also get myself together and submit a portfolio to an art university, preferably applied arts/graphics, just to see whether I would actually get accepted.


Studying has become even more stressful, hard, interesting, and more work. I mean really, physics is cool, but... so much work, and it all goes way too fast, I'd need more time to learn it all at my own pace. At the end of this semester I'll be halfway through with it, though, so we'll see.


I haven't been as much on BZPower, and I feel sorry about that. after all, this place is kind of like my "internet home", and where many of my friends are. On the positive side, Mafia has been more fun than ever as I'm slowly finding my own strategies and stuff. ^^


Emotion-wise it's been an unhappy year. Unhappy. I lost a friend whom I'd considered a good one, I've been down, depressed, stressed out and uncertain about myself, my abilities, everything really. Probably has to do with a lack of balance which can be attirbuted to a lack of creative works, after all, it is one of my ways of coping with stuff. Oh well. tHis year is going to be better.




As for resolutions, the same as every year (or every day, every week...) :


Procrastinate less

Draw more

Be a better person

Worry less

Do those freaking projects I've been planning to do for ages and would actually be able to do at this point already. (aka Procrastinate less)

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Procrastinate less

Draw more

Be a better person

Worry less

Do those freaking projects I've been planning to do for ages and would actually be able to do at this point already. (aka Procrastinate less)


Those sound like fine goals for the New Year. I wish you the best of luck in completing them.



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