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Twelve Angry Men



It's raining out, and it was a chilly but sunny day earlier. Woo! I like it when it rains, it gives me good ideas and creates a fun atmosphere for me. So sue me for liking gray skies and the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, I also like sunny, crisp fall days...



My day was fun. In English, there was a substitute, and we watched Twelve Angry Men, and took notes on the jurors in the film. Then I had Math, which was actually easy, and I got a head start on my homework. Then, onward to lunch. I had Drama afterwards, and the class's focus is on improv for this year. So we were divided into two teams and we did some focus activities, and then played a game where one team played a crowd attending some sort of sporting event, and I was part of a crowd attending an intense baseball game (I portrayed my part very well).



Whoa... I just got some...deep...news........... Gleh, my head hurts now.



Well, now I have to go up... It took me hours to write this.... Man I'm a procrastinator...


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Are we talking the 1950s version of the film, or the 90s redux?

I just had to watch the 50s version in Street Law, twas surprisingly a really good movie that's been around for so long.


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Awesome. I watched that recently in my English class, and am still trying to find it so that my family can watch it.


- :vahi:

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