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Garreg Mach

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Member Name: (Your current display name – you will also play the game as a character with this name, to avoid any confusion that might occur).

Weapon: (You are allowed to have one main weapon – it cannot have any special powers).

Power: (You are allowed to have one power – however, should you wish, you may replace this with a second piece of equipment without special powers. You cannot be immune to stage hazards).

Appearance: (Please add a small image, or preferably a link to an image or gallery, or just a small paragraph explaining how you appear to the other players).

Ultimate Weapons: (Self-explanatory; these are a reward, so this slot should remain empty if I have not given you any. Any other questions are answered by the section labelled “Ultimate Weapons” above).

Above is the form to fill out if you'd like to participate in the next three rounds of Bionifight Ultimate beginning this Saturday! The rounds are each one week long and there are only ten spots available (four of which are being made available early here). Just post the completed profile in the comments and I'll let you know if it's approved.

Note: These early bird signups are ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT PARTICIPATED in Bionifight Ultimate yet - as in, new players. Thank you.


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Awesome! Just realized this was back!


Member Name: LockeBZ
Weapon: Protosteel Pike
Power: Legs are temporarily replaced with the body a mechanical horse for added speed and maneuvaribility, referred to as CentaurusBZ.
Appearance: He is tall and thin with muted green armor. His head is akin to that of a Rahkshi with a black scar along his right eye. His body is primarily red with a bit of black. This all continues into his CentaurusBZ form but with the body of a mechanical race horse instead of legs.

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Member Name: [ Shadowhawk ]

Weapon: [ Protosteel tactical assassin’s sword. Sleek, low-profile, and extremely lethal - see ‘Appearances’ image; it’s the sharp pointy thing he’s carrying around. ]

Power: [ Has the ability to take on a shadowy, semi-incorporeal ‘ninja mode’ form at will. While in this form, the Shadowhawk is utterly noiseless, almost completely invisible in dim, hazy, or otherwise visually obscured environments, possesses enhanced sensory capabilities, and can move with up to twice normal speed.

Additionally, due to his partially vaporous state of being, any damage dealt him by opponents' attacks is halved; in case of fractions, rounded down. Conversely, however, damage dealt by his own attacks is also halved, and he is strictly incapable of collecting and/or utilizing pick-ups.

Activating ‘ninja mode’ is so physically and mentally taxing that it requires an entire individual post’s worth of time and effort to do so, making it an impractical defensive maneuver in fast-paced melee situations where swift reaction time is crucial.

Appearance: [ A picture’s worth a thousand words, they say - this image covers it all. A lean, grey-armored biomechanical stealth warrior. ]

Ultimate Weapons: [ --- ]

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Never played Bionifight, still not too certain what it is even after reading some of the topic. But I'll give it a try because I'm interested after seeing the 30 pages it's got in such a short time.


Member Name: Pulsating Explosive

Weapon: Protosteel Spear, held primarily in the right hand. Can be used for throwing, but must be retrieved.

Power: Able to 'create' a small explosion by clenching his left fist. Literally from his left-fist. The left-fist clenching can also be taken as a warning to any targets to get away.

Appearance: A Matoran creature with mostly tan and burnt orange armour. Torso is primarily white, limbs are primarily tan covered in white armour. Hands, feet, and head are all burnt orange, with cyan eyes.


I hope this is acceptable?

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Pulse: approved, though your power doesn't have to damage you.


Shadowhawk: approved, minus the resistance to all environmental hazards. Those will be decided by meeee

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Oh, what the heck, I've been wanting to give this a try


Member Name: Pahrak #0579

Weapon: Retractable Wrist blades/claws

Power: Elemental Stone Powers

Appearance: a regular old Pahrak

Ultimate Weapons: None

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Pulse: approved, though your power doesn't have to damage you.


Alright, I'll edit it so that it doesn't. I just think it might be OP but was uncertain.

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Curse my computer taking hours to update AVG. That's another 3 weeks to wait.


Regular signups open on Saturday - you can still sign up then, it's just that the early bird spots were designed to guarantee new players a chance to play.

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