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LEGO Marvel Comic Covers

Remember back at the end of summer I reported that Marvel was releasing various comics with variant covers featuring classic covers redone with LEGO figs? Turns out they were going to be ratio variants and thus rarer (and more expensive) than the usual cover price. (Ratio variants are sold one for every 25 normal covers a retailer orders, or whatever the ratio is. This makes them rare and acceptable for the retailer to sell them for a higher price.)


Well, go forward a few months to now, and I am now the proud owner of two of those! (For a significantly lower price than if I bought them for $20 each at my local comic shop.) The total for these two was $21. I was surprised, but happy, that they were less on Ebay.)




I'm going to give one to BrickFair for the silent auction supporting the Slade Child Foundation, the question is, which one? Which one do you think would garner the highest bid amongst AFOLs?


Pros of the Spidey cover:

-Marvel's #1 poster-boy.

-Action scene.

-Including an arch-nemesis.


Pros of the Wolverine cover:

-Marvel's #2 poster-boy.

-Close-up with those claws.

-Better art (imo).


And then I'll probably frame the other one (once I get around to framing my other favorite covers too).


-CF :kakama:


Recommended Comments

Black Six


I think the Wolverine one would probably be more desirable.



Wolverine's likely the better choice. I mean, Wolverine Publicity and all.

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