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I've noticed recently a lot of members with blogs are putting up those map things that tell you how many people have visited a page and from where. Now, that's kinda rude. Did they think of the fact some people want their privacy? I already divulged my general location as Massachusetts, which now means unless I want to be Big Brothered, I have to avoid some really good blogs which put that stupid map in their content blocks. And some people generally don't want their presence and activity recorded by others. We aren't living in an Orson Wells novel, though I think we should ban these stupid maps to keep it that way. Come on. Industrializing the snooping-into-matters-of-others-despite-their-wishes-for-your-own-information thing is just wrong, but these little maps are doing just that, controlled by a whole business. It's simultaneous networking aids, taking advantage of the gullible preteen market's lust for information and useless web knickknacks, and a leetle friend of big business generally recognized by well-read people as data harvesting. Not to offend anybody with one of these in their blogs, really. It's just sickeningly funny while being really sad at the same time.




Anyways, yesterday I went to get a dental consultation. It was to see if I need braces. And the answer is yes. My lower teeth are moving forward and all and stuff... Which is why I need braces... The dentist at the place we went to was surprised the teeth weren't already farther out... The dentist/orthodontist guy was a very nice, friendly man, and his office had a positive atmosphere, and we got good service... My sister was also taken there for an examination. Man, politeness and being nice to customers is such a rarity in dental places these days... Another reason to hate people!



I just finished watching 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl'... Man, what a great movie! I love it so much, it's funny, it's got great special effects, it has a great plot, and it's just all around awesome. Second movie rocks too. My mom got both of them out of the library, so tonight me, my sister, and my mom watched it together. Woo.


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Something I noticed about those maps: They don't work. ChocolateFrogs' said I was from Dallas... I'm not. That was the closest place to me so I figure it's wrong.


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Meh, personally I think the maps are fine as long as people don't give out their exact location. I don't think people would use them for anything bad, I think it's interesting to find the general location people are from. Although, if you think it is enough of a problem, feel free to send me a PM discussing the issue. :)



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bleh, i doubt there are stalkers on a site like BZP but usually here are like three blips from the general location where i am. Usually i look but dont reply if im the only person on the map.

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