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[Art] No matter what the dice say...

Taka Nuvia


Nothing's ever going to end my obsession with elves wearing fancy hats. =P



As much as fun as drawing elves taking selfies ^^" I guess it's the pointy ears. Originally this was supposed to be sort of monochromatic, since I recently got a sepia-toned (read: brown) fineliner which I wanted to test, but somehow I guess choosing an ochre coloured pencil didn't work out like intended at all. :rolleyes:


Not a self-portrait, not even intended to, and I think my hair's longer than that, anyway. A response to the whole D&D thing and my quiz results however, oh yes. As you can see by the scribbled date it was even done on the same day. Why post it now? I think majhost was still buggy back then...




Art-wise, February has actually even been a good month for me, as I am actively drawing something every day, even if it's just another hour spent on a panel of a comic or 15 minutes for a silly small sketch. The past year has shown me that my skills decrease if I only do something once a week, and I really have to get over myself and my whining that I don't have the time or energy.

Let's just blame a lazyness-curse or something, 'kay? C:

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I was expecting it to end with "you will always be my hero" or something with a character with bad stats beating all the bad guys.


Fancy hats are acceptable, though. ^^


...hm. Wasn't thinking of that, to be honest. It's a funny idea though, even if I have absolutely no idea how to put that into an image xD


Well I am glad they am. Sincerely relieved. :3

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On behalf of the Elves, on account of our exceedingly small numbers, we would like to make you an honorary Elf. =P


(Note: This is not a choice)



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I find her expression oddly amusing. I don't know why, though. xD


And I kinda want a hat like that now...


Well, glad you like it! =D

And me too, me too... the only thing I have that's somewhat similar to that hat is some carnival pirate hat... which has a feather and all, but it's not really a "real" hat. xD


On behalf of the Elves, on account of our exceedingly small numbers, we would like to make you an honorary Elf. =P


(Note: This is not a choice)



- :burnmad:



It may not be a choice, but it's definitely an honour! =3

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