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Help? (Personal advice needed)



So, I have been feeling really conflicted lately.


I’m in the second semester of my sophomore year of college, which means next year is my junior year. However because I went to a community college for a little while before coming here, I already have the credits of a junior, and by the end of next semester, I’ll have the credits of a senior.


Long story short, I can probably graduate a semester early without any hassle whatsoever. And assuming I can do well enough with this internship this summer, that’d be absolutely preferable. Less debt, less time stuck taking classes I’m not enjoying, less time living in a tiny dorm with ridiculous noise restrictions that ruin my ability to record, more time to work on my music and other hobbies(I’ve done the math, even if I have a 9-5 desk job with an hour commute both ways, I’ll still have more free time than I do now), more time earning an actual paycheck(See: Funding my growing metalworking hobby, buying a car and a house, paying off debt, etc.), and actual real-world experience I can put on a resume? Heck yes. Plus I’m not sure if there are enough credits left that I have to take in order to space things out so I’m a full-time student for that second senior semester if I stay, and if I’m not a full-time student, my loans are going to start getting interest. Every logical thought in my head says it’s what makes sense to do.


……..Buuuuuut I have some really good friends that I’ve met who’re the same year that I am, and I have been looking forward to graduating with them for a while. Heck, one of them is someone I’m probably closer and more open with than my family, they basically are family to me for all intents and purposes. The idea of not standing there with them on graduation day hurts. A lot.


What should I do? Every single rational thought in my head says that graduating early is the logical way to go, and frankly, it is. But I don’t want to strain those relationships, and I want to share that experience with my friends. But sharing it with them comes with very real drawbacks in the real-world.


This is something I’m probably going to think about for a while, so bear in mind that the responses here aren’t the deciding factor, but I figure as manny voices as possible are good.




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There really isn't a whole lot of advice to give. An extra semester's worth of working toward your career is a fairly short period. If you decide to finish your senior year with your friends, you're missing out on maybe half a year's worth or less of extra work time. It's not like you won't have time to further your career. College will certainly hinder you, but not completely. But it really is a tough decision. I wouldn't take my word for anything.



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Could you "graduate" early but actually walk with them during the ceremony? I know I missed my graduation cause I finished classes in the winter and they expected me to wait for the spring semester to walk... and by then I had already moved onto an internship. Depending on the school, they may allow for you to "graduate" at a ceremony a semester after you technically finish your classes. It might be something to ask an advisor about? :shrugs:


Hope you can keep in touch with your friends outside of school too!



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Well, you listed tons of pros and one con. It sounds like you really are set on one decision, or you want to be. But it's not crazy to feel the way you do about graduation.


I only had one year in my college days. After that it was a three month externship which I moved out of state for. I didn't attend my graduation for personal reasons, and missing out is a bummer, but in the big picture I have made my peace with it.


However, I think it best to ask yourself what the point of going to school was for you in the first place. Then, ask yourself which course of action will best serve that goal. It may sound simple, but it is easy to lose sight of the big picture of your personal goals over time. I believe this would add some perspective that might prove helpful. And I recommend really thinking it over before making your final decision. There is no one right answer and these are the types of decisions everyone needs to deal with at some point in their lives.

That being said, I see no reason, should you leave early, that you couldn't share graduation day with your peers. xccj seems to have one option which you could pursue. Even if it turns out that it is not an option, you could still show up as a member of the audience and meet with them afterward. In any situation, graduation day is the last moment you will have to hang out with your friends as a group before everyone goes their separate ways. Even so, you will definitely keep in touch in one way or another. The digital age makes it super easy.
In any case, as a fellow adult I trust whichever decision you make will be for the best.
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Have you spoken with your college friends about this? I understand you want to graduate alongside them, but maybe they would recommend that you graduate a year beforehand if it works better for you. (And from what you said, it would in fact be the optimal choice.) Besides, you can always keep in contact with your friends, especially if you have extra free time in employment.

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