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My job finding adventure



So I got a call from sonic asking me for an interview. Shortly after the interview I was notified that I did indeed get the job and I needed to fill out some paperwork to finish the process.


This was something like a month ago. I've called them several times, filled out another application, called some more and still gotten nothing.


But apparently they're low on available workers because they've done more interviews and those people are now being called in to fill out the paperwork.


So yeah. I'm not thrilled about this.


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Geez, if that's what the place is like, I wouldn't even want to work there. :annoyed:

Though, granted, beggars can't be choosers.

Takuma Nuva

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I'm sort of done filling out applications at this point though. Most don't even call me back.


The thing is, I have freinds there, so getting a job was pretty much a guarantee. But this is ridiculous. And it kills me because the only thing I can do is find another job and if that was going to work it would have already.

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Did you call the other places anyway? Not hearing back at all isn't the best sign, but it can't hurt to contact them anyway. That's what happened with my current job. I got it after two interviews, but I didn't hear from them and had to contact them to find out I got it.


Just call and ask if you're still being considered for employment. If the answer is no, you have your answer. If the answer is yes, then you might have another option. Either way it shows that you are interested in getting a job and can only work in your favor.


In my case it was a sign of bad management, but being told you got the job and still having to go through so much in your case is a definite red flag. If you do end up working there be prepared for the worst and try to bring your a-game as much as possible.


Edit: sorry, read that as you applied to other places that didn't contact you after you applied. ^^`

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Something similar happened to me once. I got a phone interview, was later told I got the job, was told I would be sent more information... and never was. Never heard from them again. I was told by another potential employer that the position was dropped after I was 'hired', but it was still pretty rude for them not to tell me.


Except, in your case, if they're still hiring for that position then it clearly wasn't dropped. Is it possible that you can inquire about the problem in person instead of over the phone? It might yield faster answers. Either way, best of luck. I hope things work out in the long run.

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