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Behind A Name



I realised how canny baby-naming can be - cannily accurate.


My sister's name meant 'Pretty and Graceful'. She's a dancer now, doing ballet and doing lead for her school. She's pretty.


My other sister's name meant 'Pretty Lotus'. The lotus is a symbol of wisdom. My sister scoring well at one of the hardest paths of the available education path. And she's pretty too.


My brother's name meant 'Scholar'. He's in a newly-founded high school of science and maths that would directly lead him to university.



Canny, no?


As for me, err... my name's meaning has not been realised yet. Mine's a little hard to do so, 'coz of some...err...difficulty of interpreting one of those words.


The meaning of my name?


'Pretty and Precious'.


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[gollumvoice]My precioussssss...[/gollumvoice]


Anyway, that's a weird observation! My name doesn't make nearly as much sense (I forget exactly what it means, though).


- :vahi:

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I'm sort of named after Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Moon, hunting, killing people for various made up reasons, yelling at people, all sorts of things like that. Thus far I think I've realized that, except that I'm a horrible shot. Which makes me saaaaad. ;_;


And congradulations on the Blog of the Week. It's about friggin' time you got it. Seriously. What took them so long.

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My name just means peaceful.

Hmm... perhaps your name is related to the Hebrew word "Shalom" (peace) :)


My name doesn't really describe me. It means Bent Nose. :lol:

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My name just means peaceful.

Hmm... perhaps your name is related to the Hebrew word "Shalom" (peace) :)

Bingo. That is where Shilo derives from. :D



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Don't worry, you'll be precious to a special someone one day. And I'm sure you're precious to your parents as well. My name? Well, David apparently means "Beloved" and I'd like to believe I've lived up to that.

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^_^ Then I must've missed the forest for the trees.


LMK, somehow that name fits you well. :P Think about it. You have as much vibe and vivacity as Diana the Goddess, so it fits you well.


Bunny, maybe it doesn't, but who knows? :P Maybe you're the go-football girl who loves a good tackle in the mud? Or am I going stereotypical here?


Kame, I guess our parents help us fit our names in this manner. :P


Blog post coming up, regarding the strange event that occurred on my Monday and your Sunday.



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My name is germanic for "from the cottage", although several close variants mean "bear."

Which is ironic, since anyone who's seen me at BrickFest knows I have no ourusian tendencies.




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Well from what you can translate/decipher from your name, I'm sure you are "pretty and precious" :lol: .


My first and middle name do not go together...


1st: Noble

2nd: Dark (as in evil)


How that fits, I'm not sure :P.


- :t::l::h:

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My name is Latin, or... Icelandic or something for "by the sea". It fits because I hate boats. Hate!


Therefore, you will always find me by the sea. Several feet and/or miles away, to be exact.

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Aren't we all having fun? :lol:


TLA, it's entirely possible. A dark, noble character could be someone who wears a cape all day, but carries a sword that brings justice. *shrug*


MoT - poor you! :lol: I love the sea, and love boat trips if anyone brought me on one. And I see why 'by the sea' fits.


-<dd> *Yo, something happened to my blog rating!*

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First name: "God is gracious"

Middle name: "Strong-willed warrior"


I only wish I lived up to my name better.


Mabel, pretty and precious. That makes me smile like a maudlin fool. :bigsmile:



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My name? Chinhi? Who knows? I think it's from that nursery rhyme of the three pigs and the big bad wolf (wait that's Goldilocks)... "chinny chin chin" or something like that...


My first names are Jean Karl Gerard, which I think all means strong and brave. I think Im only a bit of those traits, but I can't be sure... Strong? Nah... I can't even lift myself up for a minute or so in the rings...


I never really met people who lived up their names, maybe because I don't know much about that XD Your name means precious, eh? Maybe your precious to your relatives and friends, maybe you've already lived up to your name without noticing it :)

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