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March Loot and Rambling

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I pop in and share my loot for this month. So yeah, here's a picture of my loot.


Alright, so now you seen, I guess I'll talk about it a little here. Well, the plushie I don't really have anything to say about, beside that I thought it would be cool thing to have.


As for Ace Attorney Investigations, I decided to pick that one since chronologically it occurs before new Ace Attorney game on 3DS. That and well, I like Edgeworth, so I thought it would be interesting to see things from his side of the court. Of course, I won't be playing it until I beat Apollo Justice, which actually shouldn't be too much longer since I am on case 3 now.


Hm...While I am on subject of Apollo Justice, I must say I am enjoying so far. I mean yes, I do have a bit of mixed feelings about some things in the game. But overall it been a fun experience. Oh, I especially like Apollo, Trucy, Prosecutor Gavin, and Detective Skye.


Alright, moving right along, the last thing that I brought this month was a copy of Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva film. My reasoning for buying that has to do with the fact that I kind want to tackle this game series next after I have finished all US released titles for the Ace Attorney series.


And well, I didn't find any affordable copies of Professor Layton games yet. But I noticed that film was rather cheap, so I decided to pick it up. I got say I thought the film was pretty good and it makes me kind of want break my promise to myself by continuing play Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (I brought a eShop copy of that awhile back.). *shrugs*


Well, that's pretty much it for this entry. Actually I guess while I am here, I could show this. Its DS game that I found while doing some cleaning.


I think I must of brought it last year. I don't recall my reasoning for getting it. Although I think some of you folks might of been talking about it here at one point, so I may decided to get it to see what it about. Of course, I never did check it out. XD


I guess I could play it after I done with Ace Attorney series. *shrugs* What you folks think? Just wondering.


Alright, I rambled enough for today. I apologize if this was kind of boring read. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2014


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I love The Eternal Diva. AAI was pretty fun too.


Anyway, there are two ways to play the Layton games in my opinion. Chronologically in-game (Last Specter, Miracle Mask, Azran Legacy, Curious Village, Diabolical Box, Unwound Future) or in the order they were released. If you want to save the best game for last, then play Unwound Future Last. If you play no other game from the Layton series, play Unwound Future. Unwound Future will ruin any other game in the series for you because it is so good.


But the other games are fun too, and the puzzle play is both highly entertaining and challenging at times. (This reminds me of a puzzle...)


Also, I agree with Ringabel Amnesiac; Play 999. Just. Just. Now.

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@Ehks: Uh, sure, I guess.


Actually it is kind of late now, so I think I'll hold off till tomorrow. Uh, is there any particular reason why I need to play it now?


@ET: Yeah, they are quite adorable. :)


I can't blame you being on fence though about buying one for yourself. Although I can't say I regret purchasing mines.


@Tekulo: Oh, so Last Specter, Miracle Mask, and Azran Legacy happen before original three games? That's good to know. I guess I start with Last Specter then (Just need to find a copy of it first.). Thanks for the advise, Tekulo.


And lol, I guess I better remove shrink-wrap around this DS game. Although like I said above, I don't have time play it today.




Thanks to all you for taking the time to reply. I hope you all have a great day.


- JMJ 2014

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I would recommend you NOT play the Layton games in chronological order, and instead play them in the order they were released. The main reason is that the games generally get better from year to year, and thus going back to the first game after having played the sixth would be quite a shift (and not necessarily a positive one). Yes, starting with Last Specter would allow you to enjoy more of what you liked from Eternal Diva, but I think that going back and starting with Curious Village would generally get you more enjoyment out of the first three games.

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