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LegoZone Power



stumbled across this just now. even though the forum is kinda awful, they're doing a pretty good job of imitating this site IMO


E: congratulations to all of you from LZP for managing to completely miss the point of this entry. nice work


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I had to lol at some of these forum descriptions. It feels like they decided to make subforums based on whatever they wanted to discuss at the moment. A chess club? Really?


And what is Phoenix Command Group?

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I had to lol at some of these forum descriptions. It feels like they decided to make subforums based on whatever they wanted to discuss at the moment. A chess club? Really?


And what is Phoenix Command Group?




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+4000 BZPower. At least most people know what Bionicle is, and our forum layout makes sense.


Also we have more than 4 users online. Owned.

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+4000 BZPower. At least most people know what Bionicle is, and our forum layout makes sense.


Also we have more than 4 users online. Owned.

shrugs a lot


that forum is worse than bzp in a lot of ways but you gotta admit theyre making valid points with this prank

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It's not a prank. I'm a member there. The forum isn't meant to be a big, professional-looking message board, just a casual discussion area. It's also not in competition with BZPower at all (as Fishers stated, BZPower has a lot more users).

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The forum is a general discussion area where we just chill and talk to our insane internet friends. We are not trying to be in some sort of a competition. If you don't like the site - don't visit it. Simple as. :)

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Hello. Allow me to introduce myself, before carrying on with this post. I am Admiral Larino, also known as Pikmin0207, also known as the founder of the forum you appear to believe to be some joke of some sort.


First off, allow me to clarify that LEGO Zone Power is, by no means, a rip-off of this forum. The name was admittedly inspired by this forum's name, but beyond that, there is no affiliation whatsoever with BZP, and we do not seek to be your competitor. I apologize if the creation of my forum caused some sense of insecurity where you believed that it somehow posed some threat to your forum.


Secondly, if you would have actually taken the time to browse the forum -- versus glancing at it, and making fun of it -- you would have realized that that it is no prank. If it is, it's a prank that has been going on for a bit longer than 4 years now. As of February 26th 2010, to be specific.


Third, you seem to feel that my forum is somehow incompetent solely based on the fact that we have a variety of subforums. Allow me to state that while we do have a significant number of subforums, none of our users have complained about having problems with them, and none seem to show any signs of having issues navigating. I apologize if difference is appalling to you, but it's honestly not my problem, as my aim with my forum is to please my users, not yours.


Fourth, you appear to care more about the number of users online on my forum at once, than I do. Our forum does not aim to have a massive number of users, we're more than content with a small, but close userbase of good friends that get along and have fun, versus a massive community of thousands of people who barely know each other at all, which generally just degrades into one group of trolls trolling the other group of trolls, while some smaller group of people try to hold a somewhat intelligent discussion.


As a closing statement, I, nor any of my users, have publicly posted flame/hate topics toward BZP, you, however, have done the opposite. Since the topic of this discussion seems to be talking about first impressions, allow me to state that the posts I've seen here provide your forum with a bitterly immature and childish first impression. Resorting to insulting behavior and comments is not generally the best way to make yourself appear superior.

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