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Dancing On Camera

Spoony Bard


I wanna thank ChocoFrogs for finding this. :P


He found the video of AnimeBoston coverage, and it had an interview with me and my friend Jim (who cosplayed Dr. Cid). Since the site has forums, he screenshotted a few parts of the vid.


IPB Image


We were doing the foxtrot.




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Though, I thought the foxtrot needed a good lot of space for it to be performed. And dare I guess that Makaru's claim comes true in this vid?



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Your welcome!


I was watching that, thinking "I hope Omi is on this" and then they get to the part about the formal dance and voila! It was fun seeing that.


Good job, Omi!



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Though, I thought the foxtrot needed a good lot of space for it to be performed. And dare I guess that Makaru's claim comes true in this vid?

Well foxtrot goes in a pattern somewhat, even with little space, you can still pull it off. Although I suck at it extremely, so I winged it, and even the waltz and tango. Makaru knows nothing. :o

Were you Trying not to smile the whole time? :???:

You look so serious... Wasn't that a party? I bet you guys had fun though. :D

Well I wasn't smiling cuz I was being interviewed. :P


Smiling is usually not my thing. I like to give the sly smirks, but thats about it. I'm a humble man.


It was the Cherry Blossom Ball at AnimeBoston, and yes I did have fun. May have cracked a smile or two. ;)

I was watching that, thinking "I hope Omi is on this" and then they get to the part about the formal dance and voila! It was fun seeing that.

Yeah I was wondering where exactly that vid was. :P



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Well I wasn't smiling cuz I was being interviewed. :P


Smiling is usually not my thing. I like to give the sly smirks, but thats about it. I'm a humble man.


But that is when it counts the most! :o (trust me) Not smiling makes you seem a little 'Not Human' :( ... almost depressed... and that isn't good :uhuh: .

Smile :D it's good for your heath :wakeup2:



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Well I wasn't smiling cuz I was being interviewed. :P


Smiling is usually not my thing. I like to give the sly smirks, but thats about it. I'm a humble man.


But that is when it counts the most! :o (trust me) Not smiling makes you seem a little 'Not Human' :( ... almost depressed... and that isn't good :uhuh: .

Smile :D it's good for your heath :wakeup2:



Nothing to smile for.



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Nothing to smile for.




Nothing to smile for.... Nothing to smile for! :angry:


Listen here Mister, there is always something to smile for. If there is nothing funny that makes you laugh, YOU do something crazy and laugh at it (the good crazy). Not one of those: lol: that's funny, I'm talking about the :superfunny: *fall on the floor from insane laughter* type. Do that once a month and your life is saved. People will think you a better person and you will be! You will also feel better about yourself. (It helps me when I'm down :) )



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Nothing to smile for.




Nothing to smile for.... Nothing to smile for! :angry:


Listen here Mister, there is always something to smile for. If there is nothing funny that makes you laugh, YOU do something crazy and laugh at it (the good crazy). Not one of those: lol: that's funny, I'm talking about the :superfunny: *fall on the floor from insane laughter* type. Do that once a month and your life is saved. People will think you a better person and you will be! You will also feel better about yourself. (It helps me when I'm down :) )


There is a difference between smiling and laughing. ;)


I laugh a lot, since I am a walking joke. :P




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There is a difference between smiling and laughing. ;)


I laugh a lot, since I am a walking joke. :P




One needs to smile before laughing... and smile while laughing. Or else the laughter is as empty as a winter glove in the summertime, a store without merchandise, A Computer without solitaire, a Blog without *sniff* Smilies... -_- What a terrible world that would be... if people didn't smile.


(Have I proven My point yet? <_<)



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It's more hilarious if you don't smile. Nothing is better than doing the foxtrot with some guy IN DEAD SERIOUSNESS.

That is a good way to see it. :o



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