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Rapunzel's Creativity Tower Revamp in Progress

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So I got Rapunzel's Creativity Tower in the mail earlier this month (like a week ago), and I finally got around to stop playing with Flynn and Rapunzel long enough to build it. However, Lego's design kinda sucked, so I wanted to make my own version to be closer to the movie set.








Spiral Staircase with cat looming in background


So that is what I have done so far. I am glad I had so many spare pink pieces from my trips to the lego store pick a brick. They really came in handy with the color scheme.


Will I finish this? Not any time soon as I am running out of pieces and have a limited supply of purple for the roof and fewer grey pieces for the base of the tower. Even so, I think for what I have thus far this looks promising.


Whassat, Billy? You agree with Lego's decision to not make a Mother Gothel Figure?




~Tekulo <3

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I am super super super looking forward to seeing how this turns out (assuming you finish it which you should). I do think there's a little too much pink for the interior, but I'm guessing you were trying to emulate the Friends style while just making the layout more film-set accurate. But despite that it's still a huge improvement- loving it so far!


I've been meaning to make my own MOCup of her balcony for a while now. I just have to get off my butt and, you know, do it.

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Lego Flynn is fun. ^^ I did switch his hair piece, though.


Also thanks to you both!


As for the pink, I did want to keep with the original colors, but now that I look at it, I'm thinking of switching the pink wall parts to pastel blue to help match with the grey bricks. Also my main focus was the layout over the exact details.


The roof will probably be the biggest challenge overall, and I will definitely need to visit my local lego store to get the parts I need for the base. Still, I am getting excited about this. I was hoping to make the closet that Rapunzel stashes Flynn inside among a few other furnishings. I still need to decide where I will put the stickers as well.

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