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Science is great



My chemistry teacher had leftover liquid nitrogen from something (is this a normal thing?) and decided to pour some of it in a glass container and freeze stuff so he could shatter it. It worked for like two minutes and then the container just shattered into these large shards. (Nobody got hurt)He just kinda looked at it and didn't know what to do.


I really wanted to shout a Cave Johnson quote but I didn't.

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My high school chemistry teacher nearly killed me when she dropped like waaaay more sodium or potassium or something than she meant to into a thing of water, there was this explosion and smoke filled the whole room and poor me was sitting right up front closest to the thing :P

Chemistry is amazing

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I honestly can't think of a quote that would apply after the explosion, anyway. Unless you were going to paraphrase the lemon rant. =P


Or if he froze a lemon, in which case, it would be perfect. =P


I could be wrong, though, what were you going to say? =P



- :burnmad:

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Something about throwing science at the wall to see what sticks or the one at the top of my blog.

@pomegranate: that sounds almost like my high school chem teacher. She was a bit of a pyro I think...

What I should have thought to say is: if you ever run a shower curtain company make sure you don't leave the deicer in charge of the neurotoxin. That would have been great.

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Glass and rapid temperature changes are a dangerous game.


My chemistry teacher was pretty fun. So was my classmate who shared my table.


My classmate once took a bunch of paper towels, a pair of tongs and a bunsen burner, and... well anyway there was smoke everywhere, he put the fire out in the sink and opened a window and our teacher was none the wiser. DO NOT TRY AT HOME OR IN A CHEMISTRY LAB, IT WAS AND STILL IS A BAD IDEA TO PLAY WITH FIRE.

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I guess I'll be the killjoy and say that while science and chemistry can be fun, it can also be ridiculously dangerous. I'm glad no one was hurt, but hopefully the instructor learned their lesson.


(I might have just become jaded after someone decided to set something explosive in front of me without bothering to shout a warning.)

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My high school chemistry teacher nearly killed me when she dropped like waaaay more sodium or potassium or something than she meant to into a thing of water, there was this explosion and smoke filled the whole room and poor me was sitting right up front closest to the thing :P


Chemistry is amazing

Hey, we once had an explosion, too, only that it was intended. :P What was really fun was how there was just the bang and a flash of light and when you looked again the ceiling, but nothing below, was full of smoke. :P


-Gata signoff.png

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My high school teacher put a gummy bear in potasdium chlorate and it looked like she trapped a firework in a beaker. Er... no... the thin ones... what are the called? That was fun.

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One of my first blocks of middle school the science teacher did a lesson on observations and inferences. He walked around the room and picked up a water bottle seemingly at random, then asked us what we knew about it. Then he poured it on the table and lit the liquid on fire.


He's a cool guy.

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