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I went to see that movie with my dad yesterday. It was awesome. Nick Cage and Jessica Biel starred in it, and it was about this guy who can see two minutes into the future. So he can explore all the possible pathways he can take, and- Oh, why the [bleepity] [more bleepity] [and yet more!] am I even telling you this? I have hardly any readers who appreciate enough to comment, and the comments don't come often. My dissemination of information is not satisfying to the clumps of neural meat and electrons known as brains that belong to others, it appears...-So he can explore all the possible pathways he can take, and he has a stage act in Vegas under the name of Frank Cadillac, a stage name. He's also a small time gambler, who is careful to avoid the limelight by avoiding making big wins. Eventually he is discovered by the government, and they begin hunting him, and he uses his powers numerous times to avoid them and save himself and a woman he's strangely connected to- I won't spoil it from there for anybody, though.



In my Drama class today, we had to do mime stuff as part of improv. So I mimed somebody trapped in a tank. I feel the walls and pound on them and the ceiling. Then suddenly I raise my arms to my face as water comes splashing down, and I find myself underwater fast. I pound on the walls again, trying to get out. My hand goes to my throat as I try to hold my breath. And then I fall over, dead. My classmates liked it.


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I agree with you on the lack of loyal readers. I mean, look at my blog. I post some stupid stuff, people respond. I post something meaningful, they ignore it... I hate that.


I can't wait to see Next!


I love improv. I used to want to be an actor (and stil do), but I'll never get to be one... *sigh*...

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I've never heard of that movie before, but it sounds really interesting.


What!? No spoilers? :o Aww... but half the fun is knowing what's going to happen beforehand!


I would have loved to have seen you mime that. Original idea, GMan.


*Rates your blog five stars.*




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