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Garreg Mach

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TEASER #1: Bionicle Mafia: Extraction



Bionicle Mafia Book 2: Extraction

Teaser #1

“I think he’s waking up.”


“Well, why don’t you just yell it louder? I’m sure some of the Matoran down the hall didn’t hear you.”


“Was that for real?”


“No, it wasn’t.”


Voltex sighed, trying to block the voices out – to no avail, unfortunately. Sighing, he blinked his eyes opened and blearily sat up, ignoring the pain that lanced through him. “Where am I?”


“BZ-Koro General Hospital,” the first voice said. “I think you’re lucky to be alive.”


“I don’t feel very lucky,” Voltex muttered. “Who are you?”


“I’m Xonar,” said the second voice, as a black and purple Ba-Matoran (jealously twinged somewhere in his chest) stepped into view. “The stupid one behind me is called ‘Phantom Terror’, although we call him PT for short.”


“I’m not stupid,” PT protested, also moving into view. He was clad in dark blue and gold armor – a Ce-Matoran.


Remembering how the last Ce-Matoran that he had encountered had ended up, Voltex shuddered, deciding to move past the introductions. “You know who I am, obviously – where is everyone else?”


“Either in recovery or meeting in the lobby,” Xonar told him. “Do you remember what happened?”


“Of course I do,” Voltex snapped. “My ride off this stupid island exploded.”


“BZ-Koro isn’t that bad,” PT protested. “I think it’s quite nice!”


“I’m not you,” Voltex growled, moving to get off the bed.


“Whoa, whoa, hold on there, buddy,” Xonar said frantically, pushing him back. “Don’t start moving too quickly! Your friends told us you’d already been out for awhile before the explosion and now you’ve been out for twelve hours-”


Twelve hours?!” Voltex screeched, smacking the other Ba-Matoran’s hands away, “That’s half a day!”


“Yeah, it is,” Xonar agreed, “which means you’re probably too weak to stand right now.”


“I defy ‘probably’,” Voltex said.


“Alright,” Xonar said, shrugging. “Then you are definitely too weak to stand right now.”


“Are you a medical professional?” Voltex snapped.


“No,” Xonar conceded, “but Taka Nuvia is. Well, either that or she’s really good at faking professional documents.”


“Whatever,” Voltex muttered, flopping back onto the bed with a defeated sigh.


“That reminds me,” PT said brightly, turning to the filing cabinet in the corner and rifling through it. “Somebody came by earlier with a parcel for you.”


Suspicion pricked at his mind. Voltex mentally swatted it away. “Who?”


“Don’t know,” PT said, shrugging and handing him the package. “He didn’t give a name. He looked weird, though.”


“Yeah,” Xonar agreed. “Almost like he’d been put together with scraps from the junkyard....”


Oh, no... Voltex thought, staring at the package in his hands. Is this a bomb? Is it poison? Maybe it’s a poisonous bomb. Or maybe it’ll throw a knife in between my eyes. Is the paper razor sharp?


“Are you going to open it?” Xonar asked. “He said to tell you that it’s safe and that he likes you too much to... uh... ‘mess with you’.”


“Well isn’t that a relief,” Voltex muttered, dripping with sarcasm, turning the package over with shaking hands. “Well... here goes nothing.”


He ripped it open, tossing the spare piece of paper aside as he reached inside and grabbed the letter, which was wrapped around something that felt suspiciously familiar.


“...could you give me a minute? Alone?” he asked. “This... uh... this might be private.”


“Of course,” Xonar said, grabbing PT and dragging him to the door. “Let us know when you’re ready again.”


Voltex waited until the door had clicked shut behind the two Matoran before returning his attention to the paper in his hands, unfolding it and flinching as a gun fell onto his lap. Frowning, he checked the chamber – two bullets were inside.


What is going on here? He wondered.


He grabbed the letter and glanced it over – it was more of a note, with only four words:


Use it wisely. – Xaeraz




Post your thoughts in the comments below! This scene debuts two of our newcomers for Book 2, as well as Voltex waking up from... something.


Somewhere down the line I will reveal one of the other points of view for Book 2 to you all; at this point in time, I believe the total counter is six, although some POVs receive more focus than others.

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“No,” Xonar conceded, “but Taka Nuvia is. Well, either that or she’s really good at faking professional documents.”

Good at faking documents that would identify someone as innocent?
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