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Garreg Mach

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E3: What the heck is this? (Smash Files 36)



E3 2014 - Amiibo

That is "Amiibo"... or "amiibo". Does it matter?

Nintendo, as announced a few days ago at E3, is finally following in the footsteps of Activision - releasing toys that can be used as characters in-game. To boot, the first series of figures are launching alongside Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and I can finally begin collecting Nintendo figures for mere display purposes (it's gonna be an awesome display though I swear).


Honestly for me, being able to use these things in various games is just a bonus. Speaking of using them in games, Nintendo has announced that Mario Kart 8 will be making use of the Amiibo figures as well. I can only imagine how the heck it'll work in that game though.


Below is an image of (I believe) all of the figures that will be included in the first series. The lack of Luigi here upsets me.


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Do need.


(Also totally expected something else for your next Smash Files, so I'm still looking forward to see what you have to say about that little round bundle of joy.)

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I just realuzed that the ones they released for the pokemon rumble game where randomized. I really hope these aren't blindpacked like that...

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I just realuzed that the ones they released for the pokemon rumble game where randomized. I really hope these aren't blindpacked like that...

Nah - they showed off the packaging at E3, all clear boxes just like Skylanders/Disney Infinity. They also said that they're expecting most people just to buy the ones they want (rather than collecting them all) so it doesn't look like they have any dodgey sales tactics with these.


Only thing I don't get is that figures work across games, but these are clearly Smash Bros style figures. So this Mario/Yoshi/Peach/DK will work on MK8, but what about the rest of the MK8 roster? Will they all get MK8-style releases? Will that mean that my Mario/Yoshi/Peach/DK will be inconsistent with the styles of the other characters' figures? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

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I definitely want Samus and Pit. And possibly Link and Zelda, and Palutena if they release one for her.


I got the impression that there'll be figures for every character in the game.

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I definitely want Samus and Pit. And possibly Link and Zelda, and Palutena if they release one for her.


I got the impression that there'll be figures for every character in the game.


Yeah, that's apparently the plan.

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