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Adventures in DnD

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, my brother KK and I started playing a game this past Wednesday.


My character is a Rock Gnome (because they seemed like a fun race) Druid. He turned out to be Chaotic Neutral, I'll get to that in a bit. It's been a lot of fun thus far.


Our story begins within a Gnome city. The sector my hut is in is less crowded and has more of a natural environment. I woke up and started doing Druid exercises (whatever those are) when there was a knock on my door.


"GO AWAY! >=/"


"It's the head druid in the city."




"... Am I going to have to turn into a bear and knock your hut down?"


"Yes. 8D"


"... He does that. You are now homeless. -.-"


Long story short, he was talking me into going on a quest. I was too busy calling him a dictator after he just demolished my home.


"I wouldn't say being a dictator is a problem. Now, having your house destroyed by a bear; that sounds like a problem."


"Yes, and it's my problem, so you can see how I would be unhappy with you right now."


Anyway, I went into council with the Mayor along with a bunch of other NPCs who were my party. Due to my bringing up that MY HOUSE WAS DESTROYED BY A BEAR AND APPARENTLY THAT IS OKAY IF YOU HAVE STATUS, my reward money was dropped by ten gold coins.


So, yeah. I went through the first dungeon and killed six bad guys. Off to a pretty entertaining start. (I kinda love the snarky, unyielding attitude my character has. He is going to get into so much trouble before this game is over)




~Tekulo <3


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