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some random blog-level changeadoo



i updated this here blog a bit, removed content blocks i deemed pointless or silly (well besides the rpg one though it's incomplete, old and every link is outdated since the old forums are gone but it's kinda too nostalgic or me to delete)


also the pink's on purpose; pink is a pretty color and i will deck my online self (and offline self, though it's not a particularly flattering color on me -- purple is a bit more, i think) in it.



almost removed the splash art thing (it's ancient... well, maybe three years??? four?? i lost those dog tags forever ago, but i got them more as a little bit of morale support for myself at the time so i kept the splash thing there)



was tempted to put a selfie somewhere 'cuz it's a blog 'n junk and that's how i usually mark my blogs, but eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh


if i ever get the confidence to properly do myself up in makeup and find a flattering outfit (specifically like, a skirt i really like and a cute hoodie or something since idk, i tried such a combination of clothes once in Macy's while i was bored and i thought i looked quite pretty -- still kinda shocked they had things i could wear even if it fit somewhat oddly which was reason numero uno i didn't get them) then i will likely use it there (and prolly promptly update all my other ones haha)


(usually the standard t-shirt/jeans combo is boring to wear, but i dont like wearing shorts since i can't wear leggings or stockings with them [kinda self conscious about my legs for some reason... like, how pale they are, i think? i dunno, it's weird])




look at all these parentheses


(so many)



also 701st entry yay pretty


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So, when I read "I will deck myself..." I immediately thought "Okay, these parenthesis are bound to end in 'and anyone else who says otherwise'" because I thought "deck" meant "punch in the face"


And then when I read the last part of the sentence the meaning changed and my mind was blown... ish...


Now I am imagining a bunch of people wearing frilly pink outfits punching themselves, and oh my gosh, thank you for that imagery.


Welp, off to work!  8D

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