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BrickCon or BricksCascade?



Or both? (I don't think both is a responsible option.)


Last year I went to BrickCon for the first time, and it was awesome. I saw friends I hadn't seen for years, met new friends, experienced a convention on the other coast and got to visit Seattle again after too long away. I even got to visit Oregon for the first time through Portland which was also really cool. I had been planning on going back, even getting a rewards credit card for redeeming a portion of a plane flight bill.


But friends had been calling me to BricksCascade in March as well, in Portland. Slightly smaller, lots of prizes and free LEGO giveaways, plus the chance to visit another convention. It all sounds like great as to be expected.


But with all the tugging, I haven't chosen a direction (aside from West and slightly North). Help!


I am also considering skipping any of the plane travel and heading up to New York Comic Con in October. It sounds awesome, I know Sisen is going, and it'll be great to be engaged with all the LEGO stuff TLG has put there.


-CF :kakama:

The other option is sticking on this coast and going to BrickFair in October, or BrickFair in January. Decisions decisions.


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I'd probably say stick to BrickCon if you want to maximize your people-visiting and opportunities. BricksCascade is a great group, but it is a smaller group and a smaller convention.


But who knows? Might as well go once if you really want the experience.

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New York Comic Con!


BrickFair Alabama is fun, but there's not a lot of Bionicle people. BrickFair New Jersey might be a little better, but I don't expect there to be a huge turnout. If you're a Bionicle fan and you're on the East Coast, chances are you're going to BrickFair Virginia.


Both Bricks Cascade and BrickCon are fun and have a very different group of people - so if you're looking for variety, definitely one of those. I hear New York Comic Con is going to be awesome though.

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New York Comic Con!


 I hear New York Comic Con is going to be awesome though.

Amended my entry to reflect this option I was unsure of calling attention to.



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Well, if you're into winning tons of prizes and having lotsa table space, go Bricks Cascade. While I still enjoy BrickCon, it is getting to the point where it is outgrowing its space, and they have yet to make any meaningful decisions on moving (because the location is great for visiting families, but the convention hall isn't getting any larger.)


Choose either one of the west coast ones and that'll be fine. B-)



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Going to another of the Brickfairs would probably be cheapest out of the LEGO cons, but I don't think you'd get to see quite so many different people as you'd see at one of the west-coast cons.


If you do New York Comic-Con, be sure to report on the LEGO booth for BZPower news!

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Maddison and I are debating changing our Brickcon plans and saving up for NYCC too.


However, if you were still thinking a west coast con, I'd do BricksCascade. For pure profit (we left with more than $400 in free sets this past year and we did that the year before too!) it can't be beat. I've never left with more free sets at a con. And I think the smaller atmosphere is nice, and our constraction themes are looked on much more favorably than they are at Brickcon (I'm still not thrilled with how Brickcon treated us).

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I do personally prefer Cascade over Con, when I really think about it. The higher-ups at Cascade can be questionable, but the attendees themselves are always really cool. Portland is awesome, too. And we always have so much fun. Last Con was awesome and it was great to hang out again there! I felt kind of uncomfortable at the convention itself, though. We're planning on Con again this October, and more people are attending, but I think we'll definitely do Cascade this coming March (we missed this past year.) Cascade is more laid-back and there's more flexibility, and like Pat said, the amount of free sets you get is incredible.

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While most of my West Coast BZP friends go to BrickCon, not all of them go to BricksCascade. That said, getting free sets sounds awesome. (And DV makes a good point on BrickCon's treatment of the Bionicle theme.)


If plans are being steered toward NYCC this year, I might make that my "other" convention.



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I was like "when did Ben go to BrickCon", and then I remembered that you slept in our apartment on the floor the day we moved in (because who needs furniture), found a several year old sock in a sleeping bag, and was the first person to use our shower.

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If you do New York Comic-Con, be sure to report on the LEGO booth for BZPower news!


That's assuming LEGO is going to be there this year, unlike last year when MegaBlocks was the only construction toy there. 

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