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Ordering a Rare Color



Isn't it great to spend a hefty amount (in two different orders) on Bricklink to get some useful pieces in a rare color... only to finally receive the packages and realize that it's actually a different color.


See, I saw that they had 2x2 dishes, ribbed tubing, and some clickits elements in trans medium blue, the kind that glows under a black light. The tubing and dishes turned out to be in light blue. (Well, the dishes, anyway. The tubing appears to be some unique color between trans medium and light blue, but in the end it doesn't glow under a black light.) The clickits pieces do glow, fortunately. However, that's still $15 that I thought was going to be spent on a rare color only to realize that it was not the color I thought it would be. (Again, the tubing wasn't a complete rip... it seems that bricklink in general has misclassified that color. The dishes... I have sent my complaint to that store owner.)


And this isn't the first time this has happened to me with this color. :annoyed: Next time, I'm asking the stores to look at their parts under a black light BEFORE shipping them to me to confirm.




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I nearly spent five bucks for a few Clikits parts at the BrickFair yard sale this year. Don't make me regret my decision to pass.

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Surprisingly enough, the Cliket beads do somewhat attach to normal Lego. There are two types of beads; one with a rod and one with a hole, and they can snap together to form jewelery or whatever. The one with the hole can kinda fit on top of a system stud, and the one with the rod can kinda fit onto the outside of a technic hole. Granted, both connections are loose and probably illegal, but I found a really useful way to utilize them. I will have to take pictures soon! (Also the one with the rod fits into the nose/mouth of the Great Rau that comes with Nokama Metru and Dalu.)



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Oh no they're going to get rid of Bionicle, because Greg said there's no romance allowed in the story. :o



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