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Kid Icarus: Uprising



I've talked about this game before. Not in depth really, though. But I really like this game.


It has some of the most genius minigame design I've ever seen.


You read that right. KI:U has minigames. And I know Most of the time I've encountered these things it's been an infuriating break from the game I intended to still be playing. The one's in the lego games are rather irritating, IMO. I think it's odd that the Lego Harry Potter game for the DS has an unlockable specifically for avoiding them.


But KI:U uses them differantly. Rather than breaking you away from the game, it uses them to enhance them. The weapon fusing game is basically a simple applied graph. Put in weapon A and B and get a weapon that is determined by the stats of the original 2. And, at least in early game, this can be completely ignored or not understood with little bearing on the actual game. But offers a nice set of tools for those who can figure out (or google) how they work.


There's also a simple minigame for unlocking an (Extremely extensive) encyclopedia. It has little bearing on the actual game, but it does allow those who wish to know more the ability to do so. This can be completely ignored with pretty much no ingame consequence.


There's also a trading type game, but I haven't had much expierience with that, as it takes an extremely large amount of ingame currency to take advantage of without simply giving you more ingame currency.


And this game also has a rather peculiar way of incorporating strategy. Rather than having you plan in the middle of the game, it makes you do so beforehand. part of the game is picking a weapon and set of abilities. The actual game play is pretty much run and gun, based purely on skill and ability. But if you pick claws and don't know how to use them, you aren't going to do well, and since the weapons have unlimited ammo, this works well. Rather then forcing you to know how nearly every weapon in the game works, you can get by using only the ones that suit you. the abilities have ammo, though and they have an odd way of being activated, being at the lower corner of the touch screen, putting them out of realistic view, meaning they are typically forgotten about, and most have limited use, but some can be helpful. This part is probably a strike against the game, but not a very big one.


Basically this game is awesome and you should get it if you have a 3DS.

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Spending days grinding for weapon loot and then fusing together the perfect weapon through a chain of a bunch of different sets of complicated combinations is the most satisfying thing 'cause when you finally get that perfect weapon... you've earned it, bud. You worked for it and you made it and it's completely unique in its stats and stuff. 

It's an incredible game ^^

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i've been using the laser beam claws since before it was cool


like, a week after the game was released


i'm a kid icarus hipster


- slawwwwwwwwwwwwth

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I have a great pair of Beam claws, 6R/0M, with standing cont. fire +3 and some other mods. Since I use claws mainly for ranged fire anyway, I couldn't ask for a better weapon.


Also I do most fusions by trial and error, and generally just use the weapons I find in chapters on 9.0. 

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Pandora Claws 4 Lyfe.


Anyway, I don't think I'd consider any of those things minigames. They're really just features—the ability to buy, sell, and fuse weapons, and an idol system that is basically the same as SSB's trophy system. Not that I'm complaining—these things do complement the game, and helps to provide one focused experience.

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my first good weapon was a pair of laser beam claws, only thing i'm used to using

the only thing i use the weapon fusing to get is higher levelled beam claws with better add-ons


beam claws 4 lyfe


- slawwwwth

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The fusing one may not technically classify as one. But it acts like one. It doesn't give you all the information that you need to know to make a good choice in fusing, meaning it can play like a game of chance. 


The Idol thing almost certainly counts. It has a gamelike element, even if it's only chance based and mostly just a slot  machine that you put eggs in until you get 100% chance and then set it off. And it's beyond extensive. I have over 300 and I'm still not done. Plus it's one of the better use of play coins. 

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my first good weapon was a pair of laser beam claws, only thing i'm used to using

the only thing i use the weapon fusing to get is higher levelled beam claws with better add-ons


beam claws 4 lyfe


- slawwwwth


Wow, that's a serious beam claw addiction. :P What are the stats of your best pair?

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