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You know, what's really funny is that talk show hosts actually believe they count as people. Haha! Fools! That's as crazy as saying John F. Kennedy's cloned secret twin isn't the leader of the Illuminati! No, really, Dr. Phil, a person?! PFFFT!



Oh, nuts, that was an incredibly tasteless joke. I may have invoked the wrath of thousands of fans of Oprah, Larry King, and a few others, too.








In other news, I was home sick today. I woke up and spent a lot of time in the bathroom, and I didn't feel well at all, so I stayed home from school. Nur. I came down around 11:30 AM and did some homework, and stuff. Got it done pretty fast.


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*GASP!* Your keyboard's busted, you comment, and all you do is post '*groan*' instead of a witty phrase? BK, I... I don't know you any more![/soapOpera]
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*GASP!* Your keyboard's busted, you comment, and all you do is post '*groan*' instead of a witty phrase? BK, I... I don't know you any more![/soapOpera]

Its a pain to write only with copy and paste.

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Oh... Sorry... I don't want to give a guess how that works... I hope your keyboard gets fixed soon, it's so absolutely boring without the usual PM conversations I have with you...
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Dr. Fil? Dr. Phill? Dr. Philly cheese steak? Well, He's annoying... Always telling people to buy his books and trying to act like what he does helps anyone... *rolls eyes* :P
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