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Todd Goldman Is A Thief



Really. I'm sure if you're savvy with the interweb, by now you know that the "artist" Todd Goldman, who also runs a T-shirt company called 'David and Goliath' (which makes those lame 'Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them' shirts), is a no good, plagiarizing little wretch. Todd Goldman makes millions off of ripping off slogans, images, and more. His 'Goodbye Kitty' line of merchandise uses that little Microsoft cat that ran across your screen. Those shirts with that crudely drawn stick-girl thing steal the sayings of that line of bunny T-shirts and whatnot. His 'Eve L.' line of shirts' design plagiarizes the famous Roman Dirge character 'Lenore', and Goldman simply changed the pupils. Now, Goldman's sheer, unadulterated (quite ironic, as he's actually immature) evil was brought to the attention of the internet by a webcomic artist who was notified that a painting of Todd Goldman had ripped off a cartoon of his. Not just ripped off. The original image was traced over. The artist posted the information of it online, and other people brought out allegations that Goldman stole others' work, too. Just google 'Todd Goldman+thief' and you'll find links to sites that will give you the information on it. I can't imagine how offended the various people Goldman's ripped off are. However, the aforementioned webcomics artist is now suing Goldman. Woo.


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