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Call it a new record...(Also, I'm back, in case you haven't noticed already :P)



I checked the top 20 posters today only to find that I had made 40 posts. This is a new level high - I think the previous record was 27 or some such nonsense. In any case, I went from 4819 sometime yesterday to 4865 at the end of today. I haven't seen that in years TBH - this place picks up every summer as a matter of course, but it hasn't been quite this bad for a long time, heh.


(If this gets too bad I'm going to have to stop checking as many places on BZP lol, as I only have a limited amount of time to trawl it. The blogs will go first; sorry. :( Priority is S&T and GD, which hasn't changed in four years, followed by Lego discussion area in general.)


It didn't help that I was gone for an entire week either (which is probably skewing my perceptions). :shrugs: Basically my family took a trip to go visit some relatives and go fishing. It was nice to be disconnected from the mad Internet chaos for a week, but I'm used to it by now.


I may be planning another couple of hiatuses in the future to wrap up the Categorical Greg Reference and other projects because checking BZP is starting to cut into the time I had for that, and I'm starting to get annoyed. Also, if Bionicle comes back and I can't keep up with S&T, it will become essential hardware. (Even more worrisome, the OGC topic is fast threatening to become another OGD...blargh. :P It's an ever-evolving problem, and my methods for dealing with it are quite slow. Too slow.)


In any event, though, I'll always be back. I've long since accepted the fact that I'm stuck here, and I'm not going anywhere for long.


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Welcome back :P!

I tend to cram 40 posts worth of text into one rather than spread it all out :P 

You should use the "View New Content" button at the top just to see whats up, 'cause there might be hot topics in other forums with titles that interest you that pop up there frequently, so you wont have to leave S&T and GD specifically :) 

Glad you had a fun time off, fishing is super fun c: Always remember to put important stuff first, BZP shouldn't get in the way of getting stuff done! Good luck with your projects! 

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Welcome back :P!


I tend to cram 40 posts worth of text into one rather than spread it all out :P


That doesn't work too good if you've missed 40 topics while you're gone. :P


You should use the "View New Content" button at the top just to see whats up, 'cause there might be hot topics in other forums with titles that interest you that pop up there frequently, so you wont have to leave S&T and GD specifically :)


I prefer to use the board index - my mind shifts modes depending on which forum I'm in, so it helps to have all the topics of the same "mental mode" in the same place. S&T requires more intense analysis, for example.


Glad you had a fun time off, fishing is super fun c: Always remember to put important stuff first, BZP shouldn't get in the way of getting stuff done! Good luck with your projects!

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