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Legend of Korra

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Okay, so, I was meaning to make this entry a little while ago, but seeing as I just got caught up with the latest episode, it's probably just as well.


MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD so I'll be putting them in spoiler tags. Normally I'm just vague about the subjects, but this is serious business.


Okay, so I'll start off with the episode before last. You know how Nick just put the episodes online instead of on TV? I think the reason might be BECAUSE THIS IS THE DARKEST CARTOON ON THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION! Stuff's getting real. I mean, sure it's age-appropriate for the old fans, but for kids? This is definitely pushing the envelope in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I am loving every minute of it. I'm just kinda surprised they'd go so edgey as to show the assassination of a political figure.


Speaking of the afformentioned assassination, I could not take the scene seriously at first. I was at the part where she was all "You wouldn't dare attack a queen" and I was all "Oh, you do go on." (Stopping for a brief moment to mention how fabulous the entire episode was because the audience knew that the Earth Queen was so screwed the entire time). At that point, my brother and I were talking for a bit (because nothing is sacred anymore, and I guess you can interrupt someone while watching the bestest show ever) and so I needed to rewind the video a bit. Instead of doing that, however, the scroll bar magically went forward to when Zaheer said the line "Darkness"


So, naturally I wanted to rewind.




That's not right. I said go back.



Go home, scroll bar, you are drunk.




No, I said go back! >=/








Long story short, Nick's scroll bar is constantly drunk for me. It refuses to go home. Whenever I watch Korra now, I always chant "Darkness" a few times. It's also applicable for technical difficulties, and I kinda find it hilarious.


Now then, onto the discussion of the latest episode.




Oh man... Ooooh man, this is bad. Tenzin can't die. ;-;




I mean, technically he is a world leader (one of Republic City and definitely the new Air Nation), but they all seemed pretty hesitant on taking him out. Maybe it's because Air Nomads are pacifists by nature?


Anyway, what I really like about the villains in Korra (aside from Unalaq because the entire cast was drunk for that season) so far is that they're really good about making them defined characters as opposed to "evil just for the heck of it" aside from Unalaq. Really, I could see their point of view about corruption. However, when you see them attacking a peaceful group like the air nomads for their own purposes, you know they're in the wrong. Even Korra realized that right off the bat, and I think it's a pretty mature subject, especially for a kid's program.


And how does Korra deal with these mature situations? No guidance from past avatars. I mean, it seemed like she was going on a life-changing field trip with Zuko, but apparently he's flying back to the Fire Nation, and I don't think Korra's going with him (unfortunately because I would love to see more the only nation we haven't been to yet in Korra-time. Stop. Korra-Time =P)


Theory, kinda, about what they want with the Avatar: The Avatar is all about keeping balance, so I'm guessing they want the avatar totally out of the picture. I'm not sure how Rava comes into play, but I'm guessing they want them separated and they want Vaatu to win in the long run, maybe? Of course, that's 100k years away, so that would be thinking long-term. For now I think they just want the avatar destroyed, which would involve her death in the avatar state (or maybe it's some super weird ritual we haven't heard of before). I'm not sure how they would accomplish this, but their endgame is bound to be interesting).


So... This season is freaking insane. More please.




~Zuko <3

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This series is definitely getting dark, but it may be a bit too soon to hand out the title for Darkest Cartoon. (Remember Invader Zim?) Though I'm not sure if this is actually related to Nick taking it off the air, it sure seems like the creators might take this chance to get away with stuff they couldn't do otherwise.  That remains to be seen.


I don't think the Red Lotus really wants Korra dead, even counting "it needs to be done a certain way".  Zaheer mentioned that their original plan was to train Korra, and while they might just abandon their original plan, I feel like they're still going to end up manipulating her rather than killing her.  Not that we have any hint as to what that might be, unless you count "enter the void."  Whatever that means.


Just a few more days and all will be clear...



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Yeah, probably too soon to give it the 'darkest cartoon' title.



And I can't imagine that moving things to streaming would change any of the content for this season- it's not like moving it to streaming was always the plan, and the audience is going to be the same whether you're streaming or not.

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I thought they were thinking about moving to streaming, it just happened a little too abruptly for everyone's tastes.



I'm going to hold out hope that they beat Tenzin into unconsciousness. I would hope that if they were going to kill him, they'd do it more dramatically than just panning away as they all resumed slugging him. :shrugs:


Also, I wonder if we'll see a lot of the Fire Nation next season? There seems to be a kind of pattern here: last season spent a lot of time in the Southern Water Tribe, and this season has lingered for a long time around the Earth Kingdom, so following that pattern the Fire Nation should be the focus next year?




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We got to see some actual airbending fighting. Finally.


That part with the queen completely threw me. I did not expect that. This season is fantastic.


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Yeah, if Tenzin's dead, then I'm totally labelling this as "darkest cartoon ever." 


I mean, sure, other cartoons have more gross imagery and all, but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen the villain directly killing another character in cold blood on screen, and I definitely don't remember seeing a show where they beat someone to a pulp to the point where you see them bruised and then pan off-screen leaving you to assume the worst.


Invader Zim wasn't dark so much as goofy with gross stuff in my opinion.


Maybe Batman:TAS might be darker?  I've seen a fair amount of episodes for that, but I haven't seen them all, and it's literally the only other one I can think of that got this edgey and mature.


I also really hope they cut off at a cliffhanger for the finale.  I don't care if it ticks me off, I just want to see so much more of these villians.  They are sooo good.  And this time there's no harmonic convergence nonsense, so we're pretty much guaranteed a non-goofy giant monster fight to end things, right?


... right?


Oh for the love of Naga, please not again...  (and there's lots of love for Naga)



Anyway, yeah, I'm sure making a show takes tons of time and effort.  I don't think they could have changed the later episodes mid-season like that, have the voice actors give lines, re-animate everything, inform the network of the last-minute changes, etc like that.  Switching it to online release seemed like more of a recent decision (and I'm pretty sure it was because some morons were impatient or wanted glory or whatever and leaked two episodes because they hate the world, and that made them rush the premier, which meant they couldn't advertise for it, and it totally screwed up the entire episode release schedule.  If that's the case, I kinda hate those guys for hurting a really great show)


Still, I kinda wonder if the new tone of the show played a factor into that decision?  It's really hard to say without an official word, so it's just speculation, granted, but I wouldn't think it's impossible.

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I don't care if it ticks me off, I just want to see so much more of these villians.



I'm I the only one who kind of-sort of hopes that  Zaheer gets a redemption arc? In spite of his twisted goals, he seems to have some legitimate admiration (maybe even respect) for the air benders and their history. It just seems that if he was properly guided, and not trying to kill people, he could be a strong asset for the future air nation.

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"That's what we'd shout whenever someone made a goal.  REDEMPTION!"


Good guy Zaheer?  Hmm...  I dunno, I think he's kinda entrenched at this point.  I mean, he believes in his ideals enough that he would murder and attack a pacifist nation.  He kinda reminds me of Fire Lord Ozai (and Fire Lord Sozin).


It really is a shame, because if he weren't so freaking nuts, he'd make a pretty awesome ally and council to the Avatar.


Unfortunately, he's "crazy and needs to go down."


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I dunno, Ozai and Sozin where bent on being 'supreme ruler of the world' (or equivalent title)- something that goes directly against Zaheer's philosophies. And, unlike them, Zaheer didn't attack the air benders (I'm assuming that's who you meant by pacifist nation) to eradicate them, only to draw Korra out. Not that that makes him much better of a person.


As for being entrenched... so was Zuko for a time, and we know how that ended. Admittedly, though, with only about 14 episodes left in the series I'm not sure the writers can pull off that kind of character development. But I'm not writing him off just yet.


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All I have to say is that I caught up with the season yesterday and that stupid scroll bar is my new arch-nemesis. Nothing really ruins the immersion like having to fiddle around with a dumb glitchy video player for 5 minutes during an important part of an episode. Nick's video player is terrible

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