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I Don't Have a Problem... - August Haul



May have gone a little overboard this month...





Since the first picture is just not good (seriously I cannot find a good place to take pictures in this apartment. :( Windows are huge and everywhere...), here's a breakdown of everything in relative arrival order:

  • Transformers Generations Whirl
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation
  • Star Wars: Kenobi
  • Star Wars: Crucible
  • A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones
  • Transformers AOE Grimlock
  • Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods Goku cardboard hair thingy (Not pictured but totally worth mentioning since they gave them out at the Alamo Dratfhouse during the first airing of Battles of Gods... As if seeing that wasn't bad enough, you now had half the theatre with Goku hair. :lol:)
  • Transformers FOC Jazz
  • BIONICLE Mistika Gali Nuva
  • BIONICLE Mistika Onua Nuva
  • BIONICLE Mistika Gorast
  • BIONICLE Mistika Krika
  • SDCC Star Wars Black Series Jabba the Hutt Throne Room w/Salacious Crumb
  • Transformers AOE Strafe
  • Transformers Masterpiece Prowl
  • McFarlane Assassin's Creed Benjamin Hornigold
  • McFarlane Assassin's Creed Black Bart
  • McFarlane Assassin's Creed Blackbeard
  • Transformers Generations Rattrap
  • Transformers Masterpiece Sunstorm
  • Xbox One: Transformers: Rise of the Dark SPark
  • Xbox One: Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition
  • Transformers WFC Bumblebee
  • Transformers RTS Wreck-Gar
  • Transformers RTS Lugnut
  • Transformers AOE Slash
  • Transformers FOC Eject & Ramhorn
  • Transformers FOC Ravage & Rumble
  • Jazzware Minecraft Creeper

Aaaand that's everything that arrived. SHF Naruto and Ryugen, Black Series Clone Trooper, and Figma Archer have all shipped.




I decided to play "catch up" hardcore on top of all the new stuff...


Games first: Rise of the Dark Spark is officially my fastest 100% game! :3 Got all Achievements in 5 days, which to me is still fast heh. Grinded like crazy to get them. Now I can actually enjoy Tomb Raider, whenever I get around to it that is.


Got a few more Star Wars books and it pains me to see that "Legends" banner on some... Only finished Crucible so far and that hurt even more. Because even though it got really, really weird at the end there, it still quite literally set up the perfect open-ended jumping on point for, oh I don't freaking know, a movie maybe! *sigh* Still, going to enjoy them while I can. Also fiiiiinally bought A Game of Thrones! I'll get to it once I'm through with Annihilation and Kenobi, and I'm halfway through the former. After that I plan on finally starting the TV series too. Figured it's about time I take a proper look into all of this hype.


Random figures: The McFarlane Assassin's Creed stuff is really cool. These guys are such incredible improvements over the initial figures, which really has me looking forward to the future of the line. As for Jabba... Oh my goodness I could not be more disappointed. :( I quite literally spent almost two weeks glued to a computer screen stalking HasbroToyShop to get a chance at the SDCC version - that was even Hasbro's official stance on it! "We aren't telling you when they go up, just keep watching all the time!" What a load. So yeah, I got him. I still stand by the fact that it's the only Jabba I'd take since the retail comes with absolutely nothing, which really wouldn't make his hollow self worth it, but still. They could have done a lot more with him. At least Salacious B. Crumb is simply flawless and I love him. But I want to do a photo shoot so I'll go into more depth with them later. Eventually. Also, I got a Creeper. :3 Been wanting in on the Jazzwares stuff for a while and finally bit the bullet. Might stop here since I don't want to get obsessed, but it's still a cool little thing to have.


Next, BIONICLE. Finished off my Mistika! And even more exciting, nothing seems to have broken putting them together! :D These were still sealed sets so I had no idea what to expect of them. But I know I'll never, ever be taking them apart if I can help it.


Finally, Transformers... Now here is where I went overboard. I didn't expect to get half of what I did. The Dinobots, yeah, I was looking for. They're cool for the most part. But Jazz, the little guys, and Whirl were all impulse buys. I'm not disappointed by any of them, though. Then there's Bee, Wreck-Gar, and Lugnut... Three figures from a few years ago I never thought I'd have at reasonable prices. But I posted a wanted topic on Tokunation (check it out, make me spend more money ;)) and immediately got a reply from a great guy who hooked me up with them. They're all pretty sweet. Then there's Rattrap, who is a beautiful modern rendition of a childhood favorite and he just fills me with oh-so-much nostalgia and I love it.


Oh, right... The Masterpieces. I bit the bullet on them too finally. Walked into Toys 'R Us, saw a Prowl, and immediately pounced. Have not seen one since even though more Sunstorms came in stocks and continue to sit there. He's fantastic, albeit I definitely agree with the universal opinion that he was VASTLY overpriced for what he is. Sunstorm... Well, the Takara one definitely looked better but this was readily available, and thanks to Prowl I got sucked in. Love the Seeker mold, love yellow, so I'm okay with it heh.


So that's it. I uh... Wow. Did not expect to do this. Told myself I was filling a void and maybe that's right... But at least I don't really regret any of it. Right now. Except maybe Jabba. Curse you, HasbroToyShop, curse you!



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Hang about, are the McFarlane AC figures in scale with Star Wars Black figures? :o



Still waiting for this moment, eh?


=P  (I love ponies.  They have so many real-world applications)

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Wow yeah, that's a lot of stuff. *whistles inconspicuously*


So many Transformers....I haven't bought any Transformers since a couple of years back when TFP Knock Out disappointed me to tears. Well, that's not exactly true. I knew Knock Out would disappoint me, I just stopped being as interested in TF. Though some Generations figures since then have been tempting (though the price has always kept me from getting any) Still, I think you got more this month than I ever got overall.

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