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Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, not really anything too special here. Just a few things I'm interested in doing before my inevitable death. I might do these things, but if they don't happen it's not like it's the end of the world. I guess this is just wishful thinking.


Visit Copenhagen and pay respects in person to the grave of Hans Christian Andersen. This would also entail visiting the Little Mermaid statue and trying a Danish from Denmark.


Dance with the love of my life. Not like, club dancing or anything, but an actual classy dance or anything that's choreographed instead of just random. I suck at random.


Make a super fancy dessert or meal and just eat it in front of my family without sharing to spite them. They deserve it. =P (Note: do this over Skype so they can't steal anything)


Fit into a size Large T-shirt and feel emotionally secure about wearing it in public.


Meet with a bunch of old friends and do whatever.


Get out of attending my own funeral just to make everyone go "Wat?" one last time. (This will require planning).


Actually get around to reading all of the books in my personal library (I buy ones I think look interesting at an annual book sale. My library isn't exactly huge at the moment, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue to tackle it).


Cosplay as anything at least once and have the costume be amazing. Halloween counts.


So, yeah, not really anything too spectacular here.




~Melon Lord <3


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And here I thought you were going to have a comprehensive catalogue of various bucket types. Son, I am disappoint.
In any case, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to help out with the fancy dessert or meal. When're you stopping by?

Takuma Nuva

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As somebody who is going to be taking culinary classes soon, I'm nearly positive my grades depend on making delicious food and not sharing it. So I can sympathize. 

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Visiting The Little Mermaid statue is on my bucket list as well! It's one of my favorite Andersen stories so of course I have to visit the statue someday.


I also have the goal to read everything in my personal library. I kind of read at the same rate that it grows so I might be able to accomplish that goal someday, but we'll see. :P

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If you can make it so the body can't be recovered, you can miss your own funeral.


The best way to accomplish that would be to run away and hide somewhere you'll never be found when you feel like it's time.



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