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Thinking really IS bad for you?




THURSDAY, July 3, 2014 (HealthDay News) — Some people would rather do anything — even hurt themselves — than spend quiet time with their own thoughts, a new study finds.


Researchers conducted a series of experiments with volunteers aged 18 to 77 and found that they generally did not like spending even short periods of time alone in a room with nothing to do but think or daydream.


The majority of them preferred external activities such as listening to music or using a smartphone. Some of the participants — 67 percent of males and 25 percent of females — disliked being alone with just their thoughts so much that they gave themselves mild electric shocks as a distraction during a 15-minute session of quiet thinking. Previously, these same people had been given a sample shock, and had said they would pay to avoid being shocked again.


“Those of us who enjoy some down time to just think likely find the results of this study surprising — I certainly do — but our study participants consistently demonstrated that they would rather have something to do than to have nothing other than their thoughts for even a fairly brief period of time,” study author Timothy Wilson, a psychologist at the University of Virginia, said in a university news release.


The amount of time that participants were given to be alone with their thoughts ranged from six to 15 minutes. The finding that this was unpleasant for people of all ages was unexpected.


“That was surprising — that even older people did not show any particular fondness for being alone thinking,” Wilson said.


The study appears in the July 4 issue of the journal Science.


Factors such as the wide availability of electronic devices or the fast pace of modern society likely don’t cause people’s dislike of being alone and thinking, according to Wilson. Rather, most people probably use these devices because they want to always have something to do, he suggested in the news release.


Wilson noted that previous research found that people generally prefer not to disconnect from the world.


“The mind is designed to engage with the world,” he said. “Even when we are by ourselves, our focus usually is on the outside world. And without training in meditation or thought-control techniques, which still are difficult, most people would prefer to engage in external activities.”


Wilson and his team are still trying to determine the exact reasons why many people don’t want to be alone with their own thoughts. He noted that everyone enjoys daydreaming and fantasizing at times, but these types of thinking are most enjoyable when they’re spontaneous, and are difficult to summon at will.

Who are these people? For some reason, I find the last sentence to be erroneous. Should I just chalk this up to me being weird or something?


Because I actively enjoy being alone with my thoughts and turning them around in my head. Sometimes having a pen and paper in my hands helps...but "difficult to summon at will"? In certain situations, I've spent days just turning thoughts over, and often I feel pressured to get away from all the craziness and just think.


This sometimes changes when I'm anticipating something online, but still...electric shocks? That's definitely extreme.


What do you think?

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Introspection is terrifying. Not everyone is willing to look into the abyss, only to find themselves staring back.


If the average human enjoyed being alone with their darkest thoughts, we wouldn't have nearly as many mindless distractions in this world

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I already heard of this study, and to be honest my initial reaction was pretty similar to yours. :/


I'm something of a daydreamer myself, but it's never been something to 'summon at will' anyway, it was just... there. Thinking and overthinking things, coming up with stories or doing some world-building has always come naturally.


Introspection is terrifying. Not everyone is willing to look into the abyss, only to find themselves staring back.


If the average human enjoyed being alone with their darkest thoughts, we wouldn't have nearly as many mindless distractions in this world


I kinda have to agree with that, but not having anything to do for 15 minutes does not equal staring into the abyss.

Sometimes the mind wanders to strange places if left unsupervised (or undistracted), but that's not the norm. At least it should not be. D:

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I ride 13 miles a minimum of twice a week at the crack of dawn. Let me tell you, it's amazing the stuff that pops into my head when I do that. I can't honestly what's so terrifying about that.


Granted I suppose you can argue that I'm doing something. Even if  that something would be absolutely mind numbingly uneventful without the random bits of internal monologue. 

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I normally can't stop thinking at work. Granted I am doing something, but there are times where I'm fine just waiting. Honestly, fifteen minutes seems like nothing. Sometimes I play music in my head (just remembering songs, not singing them or anything), sometimes I wonder about something stupid I did two days ago, sometimes I think about characters or weirdness (like Fluttershy eating a fork then turning into a giant dragon who rules over all of Equestria by breathing flowers and bunnies while maniacally laughing. Once that got into my head, I could not stop giggling to myself and I often go back to that mental image for a laugh -I am weird, don't judge me-), but normally I'm fine with just my thoughts. -shrug-

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I always find something to think of and honestly fifteen minutes is nothing. I can spend hours in the car without getting bored (used to be different when I was younger, though).


Perhaps the world would be a better place if more people actually paused to think about their actions.


-Gata signoff.png

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