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NYCC and BIONICLE returning



The panel was wonderful. The BIONICE team has kept us fans in mind, but also prepared for the new fans and context. I agree with (pretty much) all of their decisions on BIONICLE 2015.


We also got to play and keep pieces from the sets. TLG is wonderful and I was so blessed to be invited by BZP and LEGO and to have this opportunity.


Got to chill with other BZPers, and met the remaining cast of TTV. They are awesome and wonderful and boss.


Finally, on the topic of Barnacles:

Whether you like that it's a reboot or not, whether you like the building style or not, you should know one thing:

Every time I passed by the BIONICLE booth, there were little children entranced by the video, awed by the Mask of Creation, amazed by the pictures and sets. That was us seven, ten, fourteen years ago. This is the new generation that will get to experience BIONICLE.


Oftentimes it's important for a reboot. If Doctor Who hadn't done it, we couldn't have gotten as much into it. If Star Trek hadn't had TNG, it would've been tough for the fans to get back into it. And hey, maybe BIONICLE 2015 is connected to the Mataverse, maybe not. The important back is that it's returned. But more importantly, the team is aware of us. They took the history of the sets, of the story, of the fans in consideration.

Criticizing BIONICLE 2015 is alright, criticism and discussion are crucial. But also remember that The LEGO Group is here for us. And this community is strong, y'all.


Get excited.

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They let you keep pieces? That's awesome! Did you also get the clear Hau? Either way, it sounds like it was a lot of fun, I'm kind of jealous. And I will agree with V1P2, I'm really excited about this new Bionicle and think it has a very promising future.

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They let you keep pieces? That's awesome! Did you also get the clear Hau? Either way, it sounds like it was a lot of fun, I'm kind of jealous. And I will agree with V1P2, I'm really excited about this new Bionicle and think it has a very promising future.


Yeah. I think they won me over when the presentation started with a slide with the Toa Mata and them explaining they wanted to keep to the roots :)

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