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Might not be around tomorrow.

Taka Nuvia


blog-0916262001414008592.jpgMight because timezones and stuff. Anyway, the thing is, tomorrow I'm at university pretty much all day long, and in the evening I'm also going to a party. Which is quite a novelty for me, as I've never been to anything larger than a friend's birthday party before...


Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous. And I know, I'm super-late with such things, but ah well, I always had super-legitimate and logical (sorta) as well as responsible (kind of?) reasons not to go in the past, however, they don't apply this time. Yay me.

(this is the third time I'm re-writing this entry and it still sounds odd. Sorry. I'm not the socially outgoing person I would like to be.)


So yeah. Entry image is kind of related.


Recommended Comments

But... but I talk to you all the time every day! D=


(Oh wait, no I don't...)


Have fun at the party! =D

But you totally should. All the time. Every day. =D


Thankies, I guess I did.


How was the party? :D

Honestly? There was a bit too much going on - waaaaaaay too many people, too loud (I'm awful at drowning out background noises, sdo it felt like being hit by a wall of sound) - had I not been there with a group of other students I happen to know a bit, I probably would've gone home early.


But overall I wouldn't say it was an all bad experience - at least the part before the party, where we went to that one guy's place because he lives close to uni was actually really cool and pleasant, and after all, I wasn't alone there with people I don't know. :3


According to someone who's already been to several uni parties in the past said that there were exceptionally more people than usually, though... so I just chose a bad moment for "trying out this whole party thing", I guess. ^_^

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