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Final Fantasy Character Of The Week #10

Spoony Bard


Been awhile since I done this. :P


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Name: Setzer Gabbiani

Game: Final Fantasy VI

Class: Gambler

Ability/Attack: Slot

Birthplace: ?

Hometown: ?


Setzer Gabbiani is as the game describes, "A blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino dwelling free spirit". He is the owner of the only airship of the world, the Blackjack (which is also a casino, go figure).


Setzer has a past he would like to forget. Several years previous to the game Setzer was involved with another airship owner, Darill, who flew the Falcon (which was actually the fastest airship). She was had a risky nature, and it later got to her. She and Setzer had a race around the world between their airships to see which one was the fastest. The winner would own the loser's airship. Setzer won the race and told Darill to have her meet him later at night by their favorite spot on the cliff. Darill never showed up. A year later, Setzer discovered the crashed Falcon and her dead. Setzer rebuilt the Falcon and buried it along with Darill.


During the game, you first meet Setzer at the Opera House when he tries to capture the actress Maria (who is really Celes in disguise). After realizing he was tricked, Setzer forces them to leave his airship, but Celes tries to coax him into joining the team. He joins the party when Celes makes a wager by using a two headed coin to trick him. Amused by the irony, his good nature allowed him to join. Setzer's main use, although he knew it, was to have his airship used to taxi them around. However he knew it would help them protect the world from the Empire.


A year after the Apocalypse, Setzer became a "bird without wings", and is found drinking away in a bar in Kohlingen. At first he is unwilling to rejoin, but Celes convinced him. Setzer takes the team to Darill's Tomb to unearth the Falcon so that they could use it to get to Kefka's Tower and also find the remaining, stranded members of the party. He and the rest of the team defeat Kefka.


Setzer is of the Gambler, a class that has attacks based on Luck and chance. Which would make sense, since their signature ability Slot is based on chance.


Setzer's Slot ability contains the following:


- 7-Flush: Instantly dispatch all enemies

- Joker Doom: Instantly kills all enemies and allies

- Air Bomb: Attack enemy party with a bomb from the airship

- Magicite: Summon a random Esper for no MP cost

- Chocobo Rush: Herd of chocobos runs over all non-flying enemies

- Mega Flare: Summons Bahamut to attack

- Prismatic Flash: Small amounts of magical damage from crystals

- Mysidian Rabbit: Small HP recovery and remove status ailments


Setzer also uses weapons that are thrown, which consist of Cards, Darts, and Dice. He can also use daggers.


Recommended Comments

Is it just me, or are all Final Fantasy characters extremely bizarre?

It wouldn't be a fantasy game if it didn't stretch the imagination. But they're not all crazy.


...Just the cool ones. ;)

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