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Being honest and owning up to my mistakes



Recently, I wrote up a post, and some people were hurt by it. I do not mean to excuse myself by writing this. There is no excuse for what I did. Rather, I would like to explain precisely, calmly, and without shouting (bold is for emphasis, since this one is sadly long) - why I wrote that post, what I meant by it, and try, if possible, to heal up some of the pain that I have unfortunately caused.


The Post --> What I Meant it to Say

This is what I think on this subject:


1) People can and will believe whatever lies they want to. This applies to both sides of this debate.


2) BZPower is not responsible for correcting the lies people believe, and well it shouldn't - this is a website to discuss Bionicle, not this.


3) Insulting people because of the lies they happen to believe is wrong.


Wanting something to happen is not wrong, either, but claiming that something is "right" just because you want it, and thereby shoving your preference down everyone else's throat is not. (IMO.)


Both Christians and trans/LGBTQ/whatever people should be able to like and discuss Bionicle. Neither group has the right to insult each other (as per the rules).


Finally, the administration owns yonder website, you don't. If you disagree with site policy, there are plenty of other places to discuss Bionicle/Lego that don't have these rules.


And I'm not sure why Bionicle coming back has anything to do with this, other than we're going to have a bunch of kids running around here again. Fortunately or not, kids are going to encounter people of divergent preferences as they grow up, and BZPower isn't going to stop that influence from happening like a stick in the middle of a snowstorm. We're not these kids' parents, and we're not technically responsible for teaching them the truth. Obviously I'm going to say what I think is true, but ultimately people have to make their own choices regarding whether to accept what I say as fact, and that does go for everyone.

That's post 7700066, which has unfortunately come to my attention that has caused other people pain and suffering. It was not clearly worded.

1) People can and will believe whatever lies they want to. This applies to both sides of this debate.


This was directed, unclearly, at a person posting above me who was being disrespectful of people's identifications, sexual preferences, and their privilege to talk about such things on yonder forum.


The person in this case, as indicated by Black Six, was believing lies contributing to his disrespectful attitude. These are the "lies" referred to here. Unfortunately, he can and will believe those lies no matter what sane people say. Hence the reference to both sides.

2) BZPower is not responsible for correcting the lies people believe, and well it shouldn't - this is a website to discuss Bionicle, not this.


Again, lies refers to what that person said, not to people's sexual identifications, preferences, what have you.


(I prefer the word preference, I understand you prefer the term identity. I believe that sexual preferences, like all other strong preferences, are a part of a person's identity. As I am in the wrong, I will use your wording for now, and explain below.)

3) Insulting people because of the lies they happen to believe is wrong.

There were insulting comments directed at that person for what he said. These people were right, but their insults and insulting tone were not, in my opinion, helping the situation.

Wanting something to happen is not wrong, either, but claiming that something is "right" just because you want it, and thereby shoving your preference down everyone else's throat is not. (IMO.)

Nobody took issue with this, but that's the reason why I wrote the preceding three items.

Both Christians and trans/LGBTQ/whatever people should be able to like and discuss Bionicle. Neither group has the right to insult each other (as per the rules).


Finally, the administration owns yonder website, you don't. If you disagree with site policy, there are plenty of other places to discuss Bionicle/Lego that don't have these rules.

Again, this was directed at that jerk. I thought it was clear from this context that the entire post, point #3 excepted, was directed at the person that was insulting us. I was wrong about this.


I understand that a lot of people got mad at this paragraph:

And I'm not sure why Bionicle coming back has anything to do with this, other than we're going to have a bunch of kids running around here again.

This was part of an admonition to get back on topic. We had gotten off topic in the thread, and I was the topic starter.

Fortunately or not, kids are going to encounter people of divergent preferences as they grow up, and BZPower isn't going to stop that influence from happening like a stick in the middle of a snowstorm.

The word divergent is a poor choice of words. The word different would probably be better, and less offensive. I did not know that this word was offensive to people.


And this is a true statement. There is a LGTBQ+ influence of tolerance in society and the internet at large. Whether BZP tolerates it or not is unlikely to affect children in any major way. Also, people who as LGTBQ+ like Bionicle, and saying that they aren't allowed to like and discuss Bionicle is wrong.

We're not these kids' parents, and we're not technically responsible for teaching them the truth. Obviously I'm going to say what I think is true, but ultimately people have to make their own choices regarding whether to accept what I say as fact, and that does go for everyone.

This was directed at everyone. Whatever you believe the truth on this subject is, people have to make a choice on what to accept, and the truth or lies they believe is not something you can change (much).


Why the post says what it does (this is NOT a justification, but rather an explanation)


For the record, I come from an incredibly bigoted and intolerant background. This does not excuse my actions one iota. I wanted to keep that post as far away from my personal life and background as possible, in an effort to provide an objective voice.


In doing so, I see that not only that I have failed in that endeavor, but I have failed to communicate clearly.


Welp, welcome to my blog. I can talk about my background a little, which frankly treats LGTBQ+ people with a measure of contempt. My parents drilled homophobia (or just plain homo-disgust) into my brain, citing my religion as a source.


However, my religion does not truly teach homophobia or intolerance. It's actually an ugly lie that certain people in my religion believe. Believing that your religion is true and correct does not mean that hatred of people who believe (or have identities) differently than you is true and correct. In fact my religion teaches that we are supposed to love people. Even those people who do evil, terrible things. Obviously we're supposed to do so in a way that makes sense - we don't hang out with people who like murdering people, for example, since that would be insane. But we have gone into prisons to talk to people.


Having a sexual preference (or identity) different from the rest of us is not a lie. It is not evil. Preferences and identities are not evil. It's what you do with them that can be evil. For example, I like weaponry. When I looked at the new 2015 Toa, one of the first things I noticed was the weapons they possessed, how they looked and stuff, and I thought "cool". I like pickaxes and sledgehammers - have used them to dig holes and smash old rotted logs on my families' property. This preference, right now sitting in here, does no harm to me or anyone else. But if I took a weapon and killed someone, that would be wrong. If I wanted to kill someone with a weapon, that would be wrong too, and could cause other problems, mostly having to do with lies I was believing about myself and that person. But that would be a different thing than just liking weapons.


Same deal here - people around me fear sexual abuse from LGTBQ+ people. Different than having a sexual preference, and the fear is irrational to some extent. I had a lesbian friend in high school of a different religion than me. I went to her house to watch her play video games and eat dinner with her parents. Nothing bad happened.


The other influence I have is growing up in public school. Public school treats everyone badly. But that's the thing. I was in a classroom daily with Wiccans, Christians, Unitarian Universalists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews and just about everyone else. I got to talk with a lot of differing viewpoints like that, and I got to like it. And I learned very quickly that no matter what people believe, you can talk to them. No matter what people believe, you treat people with respect. My parents and my background don't treat people with respect.


Those words, all mixed up in that post, are my parent's words, intended to convey a public-school meaning. I am ashamed that part of my parent's legacy still lives on in me. My parents don't ever understand people. They never bothered to try, and they passed that ugly legacy on to me. I want to try.


So when I got to BZPower, I stayed (perhaps wisely) for the most part out of the LGTBQ+ debates on here. I believed, despite all that I wrote above, that being LGTBQ+ is disgusting and wrong. But over time I saw all the lies flying around and all the hurt people, and I concluded that the truth was not in the debate. Yes, the truth does hurt sometimes. But the way that the objectors were treating this was with tactless thoughtlessness, and they were wrong a lot of the time.


Why I got angry and What I did wrong


The other thing that haunts me here is that I suffer from my own preference and identity abuse. People tell me that my writing will take me years to make me living, that I have to do work I don't like and they do in the interim. Reading is evil because it distracts me from my schoolwork. "Don't lift the big rocks."


And anything having to do with Bionicle or Lego is not allowed, because I'm "too old for it". The last time BZPower was uttered in my house, curse words were used around it. Not funny. That's the reason I have logged in anonymously for years, in case someone from the past remembers my BZPower handle. I don't want them going to the forums, seeing my name active, and running up the stairs to confiscate yonder computer.


I don't even pretend to know a fraction of the pain and suffering you guys go through. All I know is that it must be ten thousand times worse than the shadow I know.


For so long I pretended that my preferences on my working life didn't truly affect my thinking. Recent events have blown up that lie and shown it to me. As such, I have been, in some sense, fighting against myself. In the wake of that revelation, it made sense to check the truth and extend it, and check the extension.


The first step to understanding the truth about a subject is understanding what you really think about it. I've always disliked people who hate on people's preferences and fail to consider what the other person really means, even when I do it. As difficult as it may be, being honest with yourself and other people about who you are and what you really want should be encouraged, not discouraged. I had to learn that the hard way. Claiming that you aren't a certain way doesn't work.


I'd rather see the LGTBQ+ people walking around here openly acknowledging their preference/identity than denying it to themselves and to us. No matter what, we aren't doing them or us any favors by insisting we not talk about it - we're robbing ourselves of that perspective too.


But that's why I got so flipping mad. Personally, seeing preference abuse of any kind is still a sore spot for me. I forgive those who do it, but I don't want to see it happen to other people any more. :( I'm sick and tired of it.


So, sorry for getting mad, sticking my foot in my mouth, and acting like an idiot. Also hurting people. Hopefully this will help mend some wounds and stop the spread of misconceptionitis. I'm human, unfortunately, and those make mistakes.


I'm going to leave this open for now. Don't make me regret it. (If I see anything that even tastes like a disrespectful comment I am going to send it flying to Alpha Centuri. Unless you want to yell at or criticize me, which I will take.)

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Well this was an interesting read. I've seen some things you've posted around the forums (can't think of any examples at the moment) that I didn't agree with and thought maybe weren't the coolest of things to say, and I've also seen you post some pretty good things in certain places as well. I was never really sure what to think, but this entry has shown (me, at least) that you can acknowledge when you've done something wrong and actively take steps to make yourself better. People will still be offended by certain things you said and an apology isn't going to fix everything, but the mere fact that you're trying gets props from me.


I was in a similar boat a few years back and said some things that weren't cool and the only thing that made me better was being called out on it. It's a tough thing to handle and makes you feel terrible but in the end, if you're willing, you can learn from it and eventually become a better person (the people who got angry with me are now good friends of mine). I hope you keep this attitude going - it doesn't matter that you mess up sometimes, what matters is that you acknowledge it and try harder next time.

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I grew up in a very similar home environment when it comes to religious philosophies and views on gender, sexual identities, etc. It was a very rough series of moments in my life when I realized I no longer agreed with those views, and am to this day the only person in my immediate family to hold any views left-of-center in almost any manner. I agree that our religious background doesn't say what the vocal shouters have decided it says, and it's actually because of my religious views that I hold such extreme left-ward political and social views. I think this entry is pretty fantastic, and I hope you continue to share your growth as a person in such a way with us in the future. I'm proud of you!

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It's always good to reflect and see how your actions could have had unintended consequences and how to improve on them in the future. In the context of the topic you posted that in, what it boils down to is that even though both sides see the others' beliefs as "lies", one set of lies threatens the other side by showing them that there's people who disagree with them even though the groups that hold the beliefs in question can and do coexist, and the other set of lies actively offends and harms the other side and leaves no room for tolerance, and creates a very hostile, unwelcoming environment. It's important to recognize this and try to be aware of what comments go too far; even if you disagree with something, you can express that without unnecessary extra information like "I happen to believe your existence is a lie", which is just cruel.

Also, no matter what we do, if kids are on the net, they will inevitably run into things their parents may not want them to even know exist. On BZPower, if that happens, at least they're in a very open, understanding environment and would be better off than if they started to inquire about or be exposed to those things on nastier sites which could teach them some really bad values. I think instead of trying to shield them from information, be it he truth or not, we should be helping them process it in a healthy fashion. 

My folks were raised as and raised me extremely anti-everyone and very everything-phobic, so I know where you're coming from. It does take a while to be exposed and start to explore other worldviews and while some folks may have taken offense to things you've said all over the forum, I don't think anyone really blames a teenager for having beliefs they're not responsible for-- I know I don't, at least. I ain't fond of the ideas you present but I know you try hard, like Xinlo said, and that you're really polite and thoughtful even when things get heated. I hope everyone appreciates what you were trying to do here and I don't think you should be as hard on yourself as you are in this entry.

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While I haven't grown up in a "pro-homophobia" setting, so to speak, I can relate to a lot of this entry. My family is very religious, and so am I. But one value that has always been clear to me is that we are to love everyone, and my parents have done a great job teaching me this very value. I think that the main issue I had before (I, too, posted something hurtful in the past on BZP) was that I really didn't have much of an understanding of social issues when I was younger. Taking all of that information in at once, especially growing up in a religious setting, was really hard at first and very overwhelming, and it caused me to hurt people. I'd say BZPower has given me a better understanding of social issues, and I've discussed them a lot with my parents, who have some very insightful thoughts. If you were to hear the conversations I had with them before compared to the ones I have now, you would be amazed by how much my views have changed over the years. I like to think they have changed for the better.


All in all, I always try to remember that I need to love everyone. I'm still learning, and though I can be stubborn, I'm willing to listen. Similar to fishers, I have no idea what it's like to live the life that many do, and I'm sure it's a lot worse than what I've gone through. I don't know all the details; in fact, there is little that I do know. All I know is that we're all in this together, and it has become my goal ever since the day that I hurt people with my words on BZP to love everyone and to be respectful, even if I, too, am hurt in the process. I don't want people to question my identity, and likewise, I shouldn't expect others to be fine with me questioning theirs. I hope that anyone I ever hurt can forgive me and know that I'm working on it.


Like DeeVee, I'm proud of fishers for making this step, and I, too, am trying to make these same steps.



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Well, I'm glad you've had an opportunity to learn and grow, and to overcome some of the prejudices of your upbringing. The fact that BZPower has helped with this does not surprise me. I've always considered BZPower an extremely safe place to grow up. The moderators are both vigilant and considerate. They work very hard to prevent hatred and flame wars without stifling discussion.


I'd be kidding myself if I said I was done learning. There are still times when discussions here throw my own ignorance and misconceptions into sharp relief.

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The other thing that haunts me here is that I suffer from my own preference and identity abuse.People tell me that my writing will take me years to make me living, that I have to do work I don't like and they do in the interim. Reading is evil because it distracts me from my schoolwork. "Don't lift the big rocks."

And anything having to do with Bionicle or Lego is not allowed, because I'm "too old for it". The last time BZPower was uttered in my house, curse words were used around it. Not funny. That's the reason I have logged in anonymously for years, in case someone from the past remembers my BZPower handle. I don't want them going to the forums, seeing my name active, and running up the stairs to confiscate yonder computer.

while your apology as a whole is nice, and appreciated, i'm really not a fan of how in this little bit you're equating being a member of an oppressed and marginalized group (LGBT+) to having hobbies that your family doesn't like.

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The other thing that haunts me here is that I suffer from my own preference and identity abuse.People tell me that my writing will take me years to make me living, that I have to do work I don't like and they do in the interim. Reading is evil because it distracts me from my schoolwork. "Don't lift the big rocks."


And anything having to do with Bionicle or Lego is not allowed, because I'm "too old for it". The last time BZPower was uttered in my house, curse words were used around it. Not funny. That's the reason I have logged in anonymously for years, in case someone from the past remembers my BZPower handle. I don't want them going to the forums, seeing my name active, and running up the stairs to confiscate yonder computer.

while your apology as a whole is nice, and appreciated, i'm really not a fan of how in this little bit you're equating being a member of an oppressed and marginalized group (LGBT+) to having hobbies that your family doesn't like.


I'm not equating it. It's not a fair standard of comparison. I even said so right afterwards. 


But you see, having those preferences has cost me a lot of pain and suffering. How much more so do the LGTBQ+ people suffer. I can tell you for a fact that if I was LGTBQ+, my family would disown me. My family can't even tolerate my innocent preference for BZPower! How much more so are they not going to tolerate...


Exactly. And then that becomes not only just two people, but a lot of people. I can walk away from my petty oppression, but they will never get away as long as there are people of intolerance who treat people badly. 


If I disapprove of, and are correspondingly hurt by, people who believe my preferences are wrong (which is wrong) how can I stand here and say that people who say certain sexual preferences are wrong are right? I must be consistent with myself.


It's why the whole debate stirs up my emotions and gets me riled up. This could be an irrational reason, yes, but my mind reads this reaction as indignation, not pained wrath.

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I don't think fishers is trying to equate her own sufferings to anything. I think she's simply stating the difficulties that she's faced in life, and her steps to overcome them. She never said that what she's gone through was harder than what anyone else has gone through; simply that it has been hard. I may be wrong, but that's what I interpreted. :shrugs:




EDIT: I guess fishers already explained herself. This can be ignored. :P

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I'm not equating it. It's not a fair standard of comparison. I even said so right afterwards. 


But you see, having those preferences has cost me a lot of pain and suffering. How much more so do the LGTBQ+ people suffer. I can tell you for a fact that if I was LGTBQ+, my family would disown me. My family can't even tolerate my innocent preference for BZPower! How much more so are they not going to tolerate...


Exactly. And then that becomes not only just two people, but a lot of people. I can walk away from my petty oppression, but they will never get away as long as there are people of intolerance who treat people badly. 


If I disapprove of, and are correspondingly hurt by, people who believe my preferences are wrong (which is wrong) how can I stand here and say that people who say certain sexual preferences are wrong are right? I must be consistent with myself.


It's why the whole debate stirs up my emotions and gets me riled up. This could be an irrational reason, yes, but my mind reads this reaction as indignation, not pained wrath.

you know what, fair enough. my bad for misinterpreting your intent. thanks for explaining yourself; i appreciate the sentiment, and your acknowledgement of what i and people like me experience.


another thing: i hope you'll begin to act on this realization and be aware of when you may be saying something harmful. i've seen you flip back and forth between harmful and accepting views on a number of issues over the last few months, and it's honestly been kind of confusing. i hope you'll continue to move in the right direction, and be open to guidance from people on the receiving end of oppression.

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another thing: i hope you'll begin to act on this realization and be aware of when you may be saying something harmful. i've seen you flip back and forth between harmful and accepting views on a number of issues over the last few months, and it's honestly been kind of confusing. i hope you'll continue to move in the right direction, and be open to guidance from people on the receiving end of oppression.

Unfortunately, that is what happens when my perspective is shaken up. Certain situations retrieve different information from my memory as long as I'm uncertain. Fortunately, this starts ringing the mental alarm bells eventually. I caught a couple of my recent posts contradicting each other, and then they contradicted a blog entry I wrote, all of which contradicted a bunch of stuff that a friend wrote that I agreed with.


That told me that I was believing a few lies and that I was being very inconsistent with myself. That's how I reached this point of evaluation in the first place.


Fortunately, I appear to have smoothed out a lot of these inconsistencies here, so you should see less contradictions. (Hopefully! :))


And while I'm open to learning from other people, I don't blindly accept what people say on a subject. That's not going to change. Yes, I was wrong about this. But I still reserve the right to disagree with someone who I think is wrong, and as such I might not always agree with you, Arc, even now. I hope that you can accept that. 

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