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Workout motivation?

Taka Nuvia


If anyone has advice on how to motivate yourself to work out more, do let me know! At the moment I can only bring myself to do so once a week*, and that's not really satisfying at all. :/




*actually I do sport twice a week, but the other time is in a martial arts/self defense club (jujitsu. It's fun :3), with membership and all, so that's a different kind of thing for I can't really go all like "but I don't feeeeel like it today D: "


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i think i'm just motivated by my own anxiety
like, if i don't, not only do i start feeling guilty but my whole body just starts feeling really uncomfortable


but apart from that i tend to set a specific amount of time at a specific time aside for it, it makes it easier to get it done when you know exactly when it's happening


- Indigo Individual

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I don't do a lot of working out, but what I do enjoy is going for walks outside. It's a very easy way of staying fit, though it won't give you the muscle you need to be, say, an athlete or a firefighter. For me, going on walks is its own motivation — you get to enjoy the outdoors and watch the seasons change, you feel a little bit less closed off from the rest of the world, and unless you live in a busy city, it can be a good way to be alone with your thoughts. If you do live in the city, perhaps go to a park or some other place that is a bit more peaceful than the usual streets.


I know a lot of people feel like listening to music can make workouts or exercise of any kind much more enjoyable. When I go for walks I love listening to music, and sometimes even singing along.

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You can always get up at the crack of dawn and go for a bike ride/run. That's what I do. And at the time I get up it's not like there's much else to do.

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The best motivation is just wanting it.

Get obsessive - work out your macros so you know what to eat, record what you eat in spreadsheets, decide targets, get a killer free weights workout going (minimum of 3 times a week) and you'll be sorted.


Focus on it continually in every area of your life. That way you'll HAVE to go to the gym, because you've made so much effort to eat right/track it etc.

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When I first started working out, I'd always exercise for a couple weeks and then get discouraged and stop because I didn't look any better. Eventually, though, I realized that by focusing exclusively on the numbers--lifting progressively higher weights--I could ignore my appearance and treat it as I would any other work. Like brushing your teeth, or working a retail job just for the paycheck.


Just make it's something that you attend to diligently, and separate it from any notion of body image. I know a lot of bodybuilder types who obsess over the visual aspect of it, and it hardly seems healthy to me. By focusing on the numbers, I've avoided a lot of insecurity while still improving my appearance. 


And eat healthy of course; that's important whether you're working out or not. My go-to meal is a tuna sandwich with some kind of vegetables on the side. 


TL;DR -- Don't think of it in terms of motivation, think of it as simple work.

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Know that you can always improve yourself, you can always be a rep stronger or a second faster. I row crew, and no matter how hard you go on the erg machine, the monitor always shows that you can be a tenth of a split faster. Booker Dewitt kinda sums it up best up there, you just gotta want it and obsess over it. If you ever don't feel like it, just tell yourself that you won't be as good if you skip the video as you will if you go to your class. 


"You have to want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe"


Look up "Welcome to the grind" and "Motivation (How bad do you want it)" on youtube, they just get you in that mode where you want to exercise and prove yourself better. 

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Shaking legs. Pain. If I don't exercise, my legs cramp up. 


And there are longer-term repercussions that result in even more pain and suffering. 

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Looking thinner is my motivation. X3


Just find a video on the internet and run in place while lifting weights. The whole "4 minute workout" thing works for me. Just warm up for a while and do high interval in 20 second bursts.


And then sometimes I don't and I feel bad.

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For me, the desire of results is what keeps me going.

(That, and the fear of wasting the money I paid for my gym subscription xD)


When I know I should train but I don't feel like it I think of why I train.

It doesn't give me lots of energy or will, just the minimum to train 3 times/week.

(You know how lazy I am xD)

And in time it becomes part of the usual routine :D


Listening to some motivating music can be very helpful, too. Music helps you train but also helps you wanting to train.

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