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BIONICLE series incoming...

Lady Kopaka


So my descent into further madness has begun.


The last full feature novel I wrote was Glitch in the System, completed in 2009. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had concerning a artistic project, and I want to experience that again.


I do not consider myself much of a writer at all, but I enjoy it, and that’s what counts. So, I’d like to announce I’m working on a new series! (listens to two people clapping in distance)


What’s it about? Well, to put it simply, I was not content with the direction of BIONICLE (gen1), so…

  • Novel to start somewhere mid 2008 serials. Story will begin to change not far into that.
  • Will be divided out into chronological serials like the canon ones, but will be longer. And cooler. And less of a confusion.
  • To be written in a version where [almost] everyone is human. (sorry guys, it’s what I’m most comfortable with)
  • And no Mata Nui being a robot. (I mean, no disrespect, that’s cool, but doesn’t work for my AU)
  • Likely to be released early January of 2015.

I’m seeking proofreaders and someone I can bounce ideas off of. Maybe a few people? Would be cool if this AU wasn’t all my idea. If you’re interested, send me a PM.


I really want to do this. So it’s going to get done.


Stay tuned.

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The only reason I'm clapping from a distance is because MN is so far away from you. :P
I really like the idea of this and I know how much I've looked for feedback on my works so I'd like to do the same for you. I don't know that I could be of much help proofreading given my school load, but I'm up for idea bouncing.
Good luck in your endeavor. I'll shall certainly want to read it when you get that far.

Takuma Nuva

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I haven't read your previous works, but I've heard the legend. 


And I consider myself open to proofreading requests in general, so go for it! :)

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I don't think we've ever actually spoken, but I'm pretty sure I read GitS when you were first writing it, or shortly thereafter. I've been meaning to reread it since the thing I remember most vividly about it is that it was really good.


I'd definitely be happy to proofread anything that needs proofreading.


Also, I can't help but mention that if you're doing away with the Mata Nui robot (something I applaud you for), you might also consider changing the whole planet breaking apart and getting reformed. I mean, the physics of elemental powers and such may be far-fetched, but not impossible. But a planet breaking into pieces and yet retaining its atmosphere, gravity, orbit, average temperature, and general habitability, and its fragments being just the correct masses and having just the right initial velocities and trajectories so as to fall into stable orbits that don't intersect... well, the astrophysics student in me cringes every time I think about it.


Just a thought.



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Very excited! And as I said on deviantART, I'd be happy to proofread for you. :)


I can definitely see how Mata Nui being a robot might not work for a human AU. Back when I was doing a lot of BIONICLE sketches that sort of puzzled me as well — "how might I address this?" It'd be a bit weird, in a fantasy world of human characters, to make such a central character actually a crazy-huge sci-fi robot.

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My FB and Skype are always open for ideas and pastedumps, LK : D


Also sorry I'm not the third person clapping right now, hands hurt from kitting all month so far. Ow >_o

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GitS is still one of the old Library legends to me, so I'm excited to see your new endeavours. Can't wait!

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