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Skyblock Misadventures: Day 1



So, recently, I decided to download and play Skyblock. I haven't played Minecraft in forever, nor had fun playing it in that long, either. So, I decided to try out skyblock after having fun playing it with some friends last year.

So, I start it up. Make my cobble generator, mine some cobble, the usual starting stuff.

It isn't long before stuff goes wrong.

I was stupid, and forgot to put a block above the water to keep it from freezing. I completely forgot about this until I didn't see water when I mined a cobblestone block. I thought that was weird.

Then I remembered lava was a thing. It flowed out, immediately killed me and destroyed everything (Including the bucket, chest, and wood I hadn't put away yet) and then I couldn't get back on the map. Swell.

Restart it, the exact same thing happens. I don't learn from my mistakes.

Third time is the charm. I actually put a block over it, do mining, and get enough to build out to the sand island far away. I use half-slabs to get there (So no mobs would spawn on the pathway), and loot the chest. I grab the water from the generator, put it down on the pathway, and build downwards so I can go back later and dig the sand up without fear of it falling into the void, or a stray Enderman picking up a block and sending it to the void. I get back, and start constructing the Nether Portal.

Did I mention I haven't played Minecraft in forever? Because that fact made me forget how to build a Nether portal. So, I couldn't do that. Which is very, very bad, since you need the Nether Portal loot in order to do most of the challenges. To make matters worse, it started snowing right after I messed up the Nether portal, like it was mocking me.

I need to restart again. Thankfully, I saved right when I made the pathway to the sand island, so that's good. Maybe I'll continue this.


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