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No respect



I was over at Nintendo World with my best bud for their trade-in event, where the first 250 people to present their original Ruby or Sapphire cartridge would get a free corresponding ORAS game. We were there since around 7 AM, and the store opens at 11; the security people went around and counted the line several times and we were something like 222nd in place. Basically, we were guaranteed to get our free games. We spent a few hours having a good time, making friends and playing Smash and sharing cookies with the people around us. Unfortunately there are terrible people in the world and Nintendo World apparently can't do anything properly, so they only started giving out wristbands less than an hour before it opened--when I could look behind me and see that there were clearly waaayyyy more than 250 people on this around-the-block line--and a bunch of people cut the line at the front. When I say a bunch of people, I mean at least 50 or 60, because when they brought out the wristbands a security person counted up the line and let us know we were 222nd in line, still, and by the time the wristbands got to us... they didn't. They ran out 20-30 people ahead of us. One of our new friends made a big stink about it and recommend to the manager that they have the people getting the free game show their GBA cartridge at the counter to confirm that they weren't just passing one between each other to trick the system. Obviously, a number of classless heathens got turned away because they ended up not having a cartridge after all. So, that was a good call. What a shock that among the dozens that cut the line at the last second several didn't even have the one requirement.


So, that was a huge bummer. The Nintendo World staff were extremely rude and unhelpful about it, while the Nintendo representative present and the general security were very kind and cooperative but unfortunately couldn't do anything about it. It would be nice if we knew that we wouldn't be getting anything hours ahead of time when the line was already more than saturated instead of a half hour beforehand, 'cause it was cold outside and my leg was cramping up, but whatever. My bud exchanged friend codes with a few of our new comrades and we went down to the underground Gamestop to buy the game ourselves (Nintendo World was a packed mess, I couldn't even figure out where to buy the game and there was a massive line, and unsurprisingly I was a bit bitter and didn't feel like spending more time there) and we got a neat poster with it, too, so that's nice.




Yep. That was my day. I started Alpha Sapphire on the train and it really took me back :D What a lovely game, everything is so familiar.


I just really don't understand how some people can be so disrespectful and feel so entitled that they'd pull what they did. It's disgusting. I'm really ticked off at the people around them who let it happen, too. You don't do that, you tell security and you get them ejected. If you're that far ahead, you're one of the people that was waiting since 3 AM or earlier, you should know that these people don't deserve those spots in line and feel a responsibility for the rest of the line. Ugh. Bleh. People make me so mad. These aren't the kinds of values that Pokemon teaches.


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Ugh. I forgot to request the poster when I picked up ruby. Dangit. I'll have to see if they have any spares when I inevitably wander in there soon.

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