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Things That Drive Me Off The Wall

Spoony Bard


Figured to share you my list of peeves that just drive me insane, to the point where I would sometimes punch a pillow, and the pillow goes to punch a wall.


Not in any particular order:


1. People who don't use their turn signals. I don't care if your speeding a million miles down the road and just cut me off for the heck of it, just as long as you use your turn signal to signify that your cutting me off. :P


2. People who don't yield. Either go when you can slip in or wait until I pass by. Never go and time yourself just right and ride by me and expect pity.


3. Pennies. I hate them with a burning passion. I could write poetry about why I hate pennies.


4. No offense to the ladies here, but this one really gets me. When a girl says she wants a man who has a sense of humor, but whenever a guy makes a funny joke (nothing stupid, and actual joke), the girl never gets it.


5. People who call radio stations and say the most stupidest things for publicity.


6. People who spell my name wrong. It isn't that hard to spell. S-H-I-L-O. There is no H at the end like some people have it. It happens a lot, and it just pains me everytime I have to correct them, even though they sometimes don't mean it.


7. People who whine and complain. Don't stand around and be a doofus and point out all the wrongs. Be simple and act on the problem and figure out how to make it work. If you can't find a solution, than do not make a huge fuss about it.


8. College Registrar. The screw you over really good.


And thats all I got for now. Other stuff isn't suitable on BZP. ;)




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It'll be okay, Siloh.

Oh I'm not worried Bryan. ;)

Er, you still haven't explained why you hate pennies. :P

The things I would say would have me banned on BZP. :P



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Gah, I hate it when people spell my name wrong, but it's even worse when they pronounce my last name wrong :burnmad: And it's so simple!!! you sound it the way it is spelt!!! but people just don't get it -_- .

And I know what you mean about the turning signals :angry:


*sigh* People :sarcastic:



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How about people at a three-way intersection stoplight when your only options are to turn left or go straight, and they drive into the middle of the intersection and turn on their right-turn signal, only to turn left five seconds later in front of oncoming traffic.




Yeah, I hate that. :P


And I hate when I mess up the code tags. XD



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:o You forgot one, Shiloh! *snickers*


9) Old people driving slow.


You've made at least 2 blog entries sayin' how that bugs you.

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I'm gonna make a bumper sticker that says "I don't care what you think, cause I don't know what you're thinking... use your signal "dumb one" "


note: "dumb one" is just a substitute for what it would really say.


Oh man, I hate it when people mispell your (plural) name, it bites so badly.


I... like pennies. Every year, I go to the bank and get a butt-load of penny roles and start separating them. I usually end up with like 40 something bucks. Don't tell me pennies don't count.


- :t::l::h:

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You should write some [acceptable] poetry on pennies for your Blog. (and maybe english class)


I agree with turn signals.

#6 I can understand (people will call me "Ben" right off the bat.) and you know my situation on #4


About #7, you are sorta complaining yourself. (There's a Calvin and Hobbes comic like this, with the punchline being "add people who make crazy lists to that")


Hmm, you should add people who drive slow.



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When a girl says she wants a man who has a sense of humor, but whenever a guy makes a funny joke (nothing stupid, and actual joke), the girl never gets it.

How about women who complain about the pressure they feel to look good to get men to talk to them, but then when a guy tries to talk to them they act like they're too good for him?


That one STILL has my mind spinning.


It'll be okay, Siloh.

Are you accusing Omi of storing large amounts of grain?

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Oh I'm not worried Bryan. ;)
No, no, that's Brain.

The Bronte Sisters?

The Whozeewhats? :P





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I thought you would list when you get Charlie the Unicorn avatars and banners :P

Especially 150x150 ones. At least get a Magical Liopleuridon one. :P

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Oh Yah, and people who don't know how to use Traffic circles properly...


You Yield to the traffic inside the Circle already people! They won't Can't stop for you if you cut them off....


Lack of common sense is becoming more popular among drivers.... (Please, please make it stop!)



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Oh I'm not worried Bryan. ;)
No, no, that's Brain. :P

No need to mispell his name any further. ;)

Oh Yah, and people who don't know how to use Traffic circles properly...

You mean roundabouts/rotaries?


You read my mind, cuz that is where that truck didn't yield to me. He even had a trailer attached. Luckily I have a triggerhappy foot and accelerated. That guy better not do it again to me. I get revenge very easily. ;)

How about women who complain about the pressure they feel to look good to get men to talk to them, but then when a guy tries to talk to them they act like they're too good for him?


That one STILL has my mind spinning.

Dude I know. :P


Women drive me crazy sometimes. :wacko:



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