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Hobbit III: They Shoulda Stopped at Two



Spoilers below Smaug burns and eats everybody and then goes to sleep on his gold pillow. He also burns Sauron too, just cause.




OMG the frame-rate! This happened when I saw the first movie too. Everything's just so... fast. It's terribly degrading, and I don't know why people tolerate it.


There needed to be a lot more Smaug. Really, he's gone before they even roll the titles! Instead we get brooding dwarves for nearly the first half of the film. A big, climatic battle, but IMO wasn't as grand as some others. But we did get dwarves riding goats... and battle pigs.


I'm also annoyed that they completely got rid of the role of the thrush bird who tells Bard of the dragon's weak spot. I get that they discussed it some in the second movie, but they could've brought it up again. Heck, they even included a thrush in the earlier movies. What a rip.


I did like the battle tactics shown by the orcs. It was cool to see them not just as brutes charging in, but actually with plans to spread their opponent's armies thin. And Azog was right, we forgot about whatever those earth worm things were, cause I don't remember them from ANY of the LotR stuff I've read, so it must've been some vague and forgettable reference.


They really should've just condensed these into two movies. Spread out like this was not as good. The first movie was too long and boring, and the third just didn't feel like it delivered. The second was clearly the best; when I was watching it, I was so caught up that I was surprised when it ended. This last one... I was waiting for the end to come. At least it didn't have like five false endings, I guess.


It wasn't a terrible movie, but not worth going to the theater three hours early for. (It turns out there weren't lines and lines of people waiting to get in. I never time this things out right; I either arrive too early for a lightly populated one, or arrive too late for a hugely popular one.)




And that is the story of how Bilbo and Smaug moved into 22B Baker Street together and now solve crimes.




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The Hobbit according to Peter Jackson.


Great book, overly drawn out movies. I was not happy at all of the stuff they left out in LOTR, but I'm also not happy with all of the added things. But hey- Smaug justifies everything, and during the book the dwarves did kinda turn into jerks after winning the mountain. I have yet to see the third part so I'm going off what you said. It seems good and I'll still see it, even without as much book accuracy as I'd like.

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I didn't read your review (because spoilers), but honestly as soon as Jackson said it was going to be three movies I think we all knew exactly how this trilogy would turn out. It's too bad, really, because as a two part movie series I think it could have been really spectacular.

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The only thing I know of Smaug is he's a dragon and he did an interview with Colbert and it was amazing.

Wasn't it though.


I stopped watching the Hobbit movies after the first. Splitting it up so much couldn't have done anything good for the pacing at all.

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