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Unnecessary Helpful Ads



The other day I was researching on a couple of sites to see who had the best deal on a product. (Korra Season 3, ended up picking it up from Target.) But despite having made the purchase, I keep getting ads from the various places I searched (Amazon, BestBuy, and Target) telling me they have the product I was searching for. Ya, that's right you do, cause I specifically searched for it on your site, and in Target's instance, I actually bought it there. So why are you still showing me the ad for it?


Oh, I bought the BluRay and you're advertising the DVD. Oh that makes much more sense now.


Here's to complaining about Target's targeting ads. Remember to eat delete your cookies, kids!



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It's even worse when I go to Amazon so I can give somebody a link to a product I already have (for reference's sake, usually), and then the ads continue to recommend me said product.


With that said, I do like targeted ads. It's nice every now and then to not be bludgeoned with ads for products I would never even care about. It's especially nice when I see targeted ads on Facebook for local businesses.

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*runs blockers to prevent information from being sent to advertisers*


*runs Ad block to prevent ads, period*


*is paranoid*


No, seriously, I have slower internet, watch a lot of YouTube, and have seen one inappropriate ad too many. Not happening. 

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