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Club Nintendo's closure



So I read an article that club Ninendo is closing. (Not said article, that's Nintendo's announcement and FAQ)


Just thought I'd post it here since there are quite a few people who post about the games and stuff.


I also need to find something I can use to get 5 points because I am literally that far away from a copy of Super Metroid. I'll look at getting a VC game or something...


Aso Flipnote 3D is apperantly coming next month as a free download for club Nintendo users. (Finally)


Also: If anybody would like to do a slightly unfair trade, I'll gladly purchase one of the other games in exchange for a Super Metroid code. Anybody not played the original Legend Of Zelda?


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You have a Wii U, then? That's pretty cool! ^^


This... I have mixed feelings about.Hopefully the games that are put up in February are good, because I've got two more codes to redeem, three post-plays, any coins I get from any digital stuff that isn't released past today, and just... So many coins. @_@

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You have a Wii U, then? That's pretty cool! ^^


Hm? What? No. I wish, but I do not. Super Metroid for the Wii.


I am going to join Club Nintendo just to get flipnote 3D



I'm not entirely sure how it's going to work, and I haven't searched for the details. I don't know what you need to get it.


I skimmed through the article and missed that. My mistake. You are right.

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I remember the first time I saw the Club Nintendo ad. It was in Pokemon Platinum, the first Pokemon game I got new. I've always wondered what it was and was somewhat confused by it. I think I'll finally join to get flipnote 3D. Do you think I could get coins from Pokemon Platinum?

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Hm... I registered a bunch of my old DS games when I got a 3DS, and that was 2 years ago. It's worth giving a shot, I don't know when they expire.

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You have a Wii U, then? That's pretty cool! ^^


Hm? What? No. I wish, but I do not. Super Metroid for the Wii.


Oh, I thought... xD I thought it was all Wii U now for those. xP


Hm... I registered a bunch of my old DS games when I got a 3DS, and that was 2 years ago. It's worth giving a shot, I don't know when they expire.

DS games stopped being accepted last year. D=
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Eh. On the one hand, it's kind of a bummer, since it used to be really good and Nintendo clearly doesn't actually understand what customer loyalty means.


But on the other, hopefully the new system is way better because they clearly stopped caring about this years ago.


Hopefully they have some cool (AFFORDABLE) rewards in February. I have around 600 coins that need to go somewhere.

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600 hundred coins eh? Would you... Be willing to trade me a code for super Metroid?


I mean, I'm only asking because it would be a shame to waste them...

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Haha, let me see what the final rewards are in February, then I'll let you know. If there's nothing good, I'll just give stuff out.
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Yeah... That does seem odd... Why don't they just transfer over anyway, since you can play them on the WiiU through the VirtualWii.. Like, would it be that difficult to allow someone who bought a VC or other game to play it on any console it's available on?


It even works that way for DSiware.

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I'd say it's probably something to do with the new backend emulator they use to play stuff(since you can have save states and customized controls on the U), but...

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I don't have much expierience with the WiiU in general, so I'm not entirely sure on the difference... 


But apperantly It's up for grabs at club Nintendo for 200 coins and that's ridiculously frustrating to me.


Never mind, it's not available. But that's still frustrating.

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