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500 Entries



To say something, first: Contentment is listening to metal, a kitten sitting atop your head, and having that whiny Emo kid buried in your back yard. About that: While I don't actually have a cat sitting on my head, nor do I have one in general, and I will neither confirm or deny the last part of my sentence, it's pretty much true.


Anyways...........Wow. Who'da thunk it, I have 500 entries. Ten times fifty. Five-zero-zero. Twenty times twenty-five. Two-five-oh doublesized. Yike. I (re)started this blog in October (after three entries during the free Premierness thing in July) with the intention of laying out a long, powerful thought process for people to see. I started out with daily updates, often multiple, and strained to put lots and lots of meaning in my entries so people would take a look at them. My reader circle, at first, consisted of Bahrag Kal, a few people I knew a little well, and whoever happened to be browsing and saw my blog. I shoved content into blocks along the sides to give some idea of what exactly the heck was going on in the blog, and began expanding the number, detail, and quality of them. I wrote lots of blog entries, and received a visit from the blog staff along the way...


Now this is the largest blog on BZP, has a ton of readers, has a fair readership, has ages of content blocks to explore, has tons of comments, lots of interesting discussions, it raises lots of points, has lots of entertaining entries to plug through, and is a log of the morbid clump of electrons and meat known as my brain. I have pages and pages of my unbeatable wisdom and cynicism behind me... Time to reflect...


There was when I first started and sounded a little overhyper...


Then I got torwards cynicizing the atmosphere of my blog and began rounding out why I had disdain for optimists, crackpot hopeful wackjobs, and various happy fools.


I laid out why I didn't like Emo kids, and got some attention for it. But really, ainit obvious why Emo kids deserve my (and your, and everybody else's) ire?


I became really, really morbid and cynical.


This blog garnered more readers.


I passed a few milestones in entry numbers...


I started putting out bits of comedic stories.


More obedient reader slaves came to attach their visual organs to the screen and gaze at my wondrous ranting and take in its great meaning...


Various other stuff I don't feel like typing about occurred.


So yeah, this blog went real far out. 500 entries in nearly seven months, huh? Unbelievable. Comment on this, please. No, really, comment. Now.


Recommended Comments

Congratulations, Man of G's!..............500 hundred entries.........Wow...........Oh, how time flies............[Ren & Stimpy]Memories[/Ren & Stimpy].............

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