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General Rambling: Star Trek & MOCing

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I pop in again and give a little update since it been awhile since my last entry.


Uh, I am not sure where to begin. I mean I hadn't been up to much really. I guess I'll just talk about my weekend since it still on my mind.


So yeah, I managed to finished Star Trek: Voyager this weekend, which I was sad to see end as I did enjoy it for most part (Although I feel like it could been better.). Oh, and I can't say it replace Deep Space Nine as my favorite (I don't know how to explain it outside I just felt the story arcs involving characters were handle much better in DS9 than Voyager. *shrugs*). But anyway, I would ramble more about my thoughts on Voyager, but I don't want bored you folks.


Before I move on though, with Voyager done now, I only got the Star Trek films, the Original series (+ Animated series), and the Enterprise series left to watch. I am probably not going to watch them all right a way as I don't want burn myself out on the series (That and well, once I finished them all, it means I have no more Star Trek to watch, which would be sad as I like the universe.).


So with that said, I guess I should mention here that I am open to suggestions for checking out other TV shows (Preferably ones I can watch on Netflix since that where I been binge watching Star Trek.), so feel free to do that if you want.


Alright, moving right along, I also managed to do some MOCing this weekend (Which if you follow my Twitter, you probably saw pictures of already.). I didn't make anything too fancy really. I was mostly experimenting with gears since the theme for BZP convention circuit mention lights and action. And well, I don't have any light bricks (Outside of Skakdi eyes, which doesn't feature an on / off switch), so I can't do anything with that.


I do have two motors though from an old Dinosaur LEGO set, so I end up experimenting with those motors to see what I could come up to include a motor in a BIONICLE based creation. Honestly I can't say I had much luck with that as you can see in these two videos. XD


I kept messing around with it though and eventually I start getting something that I kind liked as shown in this video (Even though what the gears did was kind of meaningless as all they did was spin. XD). Eventually it became something that kind looks like maybe a dragon's head (Here's a video for more a detail look of it.).


So yeah, that was what built this weekend. No doubt you all have build much better than this as I am pretty terrible at this MOCing business. Oh, and I should note that I am not done with this "Dragon's Head" MOC. I plan on trying to build a body for it and maybe ship it out on the convention circuit, if I can get it to look good enough.


Alright, I think I rambled enough here. I am sorry if this was boring entry for you to read. Thank you though for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. I'll talk you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015

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Voyager always seems to get a bad rep, but it's always been my favourite. DS9 is a close second, and I do think the characters were handled a bit better, but Voyager had the better episodes in my opinion (and sooo much glorious time travel). I still need to finish the last four episodes of TOS and watch the animated series, but I've seen everything else. Great stuff. I'd also recommend Stargate if you're looking for more sci-fi, and Babylon 5 is amazing but it's not on netflix that I know of. Star Trek fans are so rare on the web it seems, gotta stick together lol.

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I recommend you watch Enterprise before you move onto TOS or just watch them at the same time, so as not to finish everything with a bad taste in your mouth. Enterprise is pretty dry and blah, I think. The movies are great, though, or at least every other one :P Voyager is lovely, but DS9's long arcs really do it for me.

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If you're looking for something else to watch, I'd recommend Farscape. It's a great sci-fi show with excellent practical effects done by the Jim Henson Workshop.

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I liked Enterprise a lot, personally. T'Pol was fairly terrible and season 3 is kinda skip worthy but the other 3 seasons were awesome. Been meaning to check out Farscape myself, too.

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@The Xinlo: Eh...I am not saying I hate Voyager (I would actually rank it as close second to DS9). I enjoyed the show and its characters (Especially time travel episodes such as "Timeless"). I just wish that they could been more arc storylines involved in it is all. *shrugs*


But anyway, it looks unfortunately Stargate and Babylon 5 aren't available on Netflix. I'll keep them on my mental To Watch list though, so if I ever get opportunity to check them out, I will.


@Pomegranate: lol I wasn't planning on watching Enterprise last, so I hopefully shouldn't run into that issue.


I guess I should mention here just for your reference: I will be watching TNG films first (It doesn't make sense really to watch TOS films yet since I know nothing of its crew really.), then the Enterprise series, followed by TOS, and lastly TOS films.


Oh, and I guess I could watch the J.J. Abrams films after all that (Although I am not sure if I will like them or not. *shrugs*).


@Black Six: Alright, looks like that one is on Netflix, so I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks, Black Six.




Thank you all for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope you all have a great day today.


- JMJ 2015

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