Ever since I acquired Lord of Skull Spiders, my position on functions has been reversing.
I think they're great and would like to see a wider variety of them. This has also made me realise I've probably been a bit harsh on Skull Scorpio, although we'll have to wait and see how well its function works and how many parts it has. Skull Scorpio has got to be one of the most unique sets at its price point in quite a while, IMO. Although I'd agree about the legs, we'll have to wait and see the price point and piece count - that'll have to be taken into account.
It would appear that every BIONICLE set is now to have a function: either gears, crushing, bashing, or the tail thing. I don't think functions are a bad thing any more - I think they're something that some sets have sorely needed to help set them apart from other sets.
1. Do you want more functions?
2. What is your opinion regarding functions?
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